The Hussaini Encyclopedia Sctions and .. Contents

find search The Biginning

 » Worked in one volume bearing the serial number: 1

This volume is meant to be an Introduction to the Hussaini Encyclopedia in terms of this being a large "book" that also merits to have an introduction of its own just like any other book. This volume of The Beginning, namely the introduction, consists of a review of the echos which this Encyclopedia has evoked amidst different educational, religious and social circles.

The author of The Encyclopedia has dedicated it to the Imam himself. The Dedication deals with prose, poetry, discourse, an apology and a number of supplications. He reviews therein the history of encyclopedic work in the world and mentions some types of Encyclopedias. He also tackled the raison d'etre which led him to be engaged in authoring this Encyclopedia especially on the subject of Imam Hussain in recognition of his greatness and eminent position in Islam.

The author narrated the story of this occurrance to the readers of The Beginning, how it was brought forth, the first steps taken on the long way of the Encylopedia, and how he had not confined himself to the purpose of the work. He conveyed images of the immortal memory of Imam Hussain; he explained the reason why he had given this particular title to The Hussani Encylopedia and reviews its different chapters and sections. He also has a word on how not being aptly assisted on this undertaking and even how he was shorn of some pieces of information related to the subject and on the difficulties he faced in his strenuous efforts to perform the task. However, he never forgets to be grateful to Providence Who has made good of the shortcomings and redressed much of the deficiencies.

Besides, facing too many facts to be entered into the Encyclopedia, the author set to initiate a general plan as to how to arrange them and he came up with a comprehensive list of indexes as well as a mechanism of work.

As this "Beginning" had formed the first volume of the Hussaini Encyclopedia, the author proceeded each section with an appropriate preface to facilitate proper understanding of that subject and to render reading a proper procedure to observe a subtle system portrayed by him from the first moment.

He also introduced a conclusion to every section to outline its contents. Each preface also merits to be a book of its own on its particular theme.

 find search  Al-Hussain in brief

» Worked in one volume and bears the serial number: 2

Every topic dealt with throughout The Encyclopedia has been outlined in this book in a few words not exceeding one line, and so all sections of The Encyclopediag have presence in this book.

No space was left to details in this volume; it merely consists of "lines", thus doing without protraction and dragging out. Pieces of information were shown in form of ciphers which sums up all characteristics of Imam Al-Hussain and other personal details pertaning to him, in addition to all particularss which revolve round his orbit (PBUH).

For instance, the author had recorded The Imam's name, his father's, his age and date and place of his birth, number of his followers and partisans, that of those who narrated about him and of women and children who were present at the battle of Kerbela, of fighters in the Imam's little army and that of the army of his enemies, and number of casualities. He also mentioned number of Hussaini mosques and educational institutions which were built and bore his name. Also reference was made to the number of books written on him, and so on and so forth. That is in addition to the short anecdotes and hadiths which were narrated on him. This book in short contains data and ciphers about all what is concerning Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH).

 find search Al-Hussain in the Koran

» Worked in three volumes which bear the serial numbers: 3-5.

Many Koranic verses were revealed relating to Al-Hussain (PBUH). This theme however remained overlooked especially in the shadow of opressive and misrepresenting policies which were conducted and still are conducted by many ruling regimes of old as well as of present time, for the purpose of sieging and hindering the advancement of The Imam's, his Cause and his grand Uprising.

This book is about those verses which were interpreted raleted to Imam Al-Hussain and his Cause.

The author also made an extensive research on the Koranic verses, interpreted as meaning the Imam Al-Hussain, explained the causes of the revelation of these verses and where they were revealed. He dealt with commentaries and intrepretation concnerning them based on chronciles and hadiths quoted through Sunnite and Ahlul Beit (family of the Prophet) channels (PBUT) and combined the commentary with the respective narrative.

He also reviewed viewpoints of the commentators of the two Islamic sects and their respective commentaries, with an essay on narrators of hadith (tradition) and their sources.

The author dealt in the preface of this book with the following topics:

1. The Holy Koran is an eternal miracle. Of the evidence of its absolute miraculous power is the fact that it has both visible and hidden significations which require commentary and interpretation.

2. The wordings of the Holy Koran are able to render progressive comprehension so as to adapt to every age and its novelties.

3. The substance and conception of commentary.

4. The substance and conception of interpretation.

5. Is the Koran to be commented on by the Koran itself, by Hadith, by the rationale, scientific experiments or by all these methods combined together, and similar essays?

Besides, Koranic verses have been arranged in this book in the following order:

* First, the verse is written down.

* Then commented on it.

* The hadiths supporting the interpretation of the verse are listed in terms of the time of the respective narrator.

* The hadiths are examined at the end.

* The hadiths are given headings and serially numbered.

In the end, the author pointed out to the verses which were interpreted as especially standing for Imam Al-Husain (PBUH) or for him in common reference to Ahul Beit, the Imams or their offspring.

find search Al-Hussain in the Sunna (Tradition)

» Worked in twelve volumes which bear serial numbers: 6-17

It is a book of great import which introduces hadiths that relate to Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) denoting his virtues, biogrpahy and martyrdom.

The author has studied these hadiths thoroughly after scrutinizing them in line with normal criteria of hadiths for defining and merging them in one frame to the said effect, with refererence to the occasions of the narratives (reason of their issuance), their dates and the chain course of thier narration.

The author first worked an introducton on:

1. The concept of the Sunna.

2. Types of the Sunna.

3. How to approach the Sunna.

4. The scopes of accepting and declining the Sunna.

5. How to deal with the Sunna.

Then, the author made reference to the hadiths in the following dircections:

1. The person of Al-Hussain.

2. The virtues of Al-Hussain and his distinguished attributes.

3. His biography and personal profile.

4. His martyrdom.

5. On his partisans.

6. On what goes around the person and the sought goals.

The author has adapted an historical gradual method in showing the events related to Al-Hussain (PBUH) starting with the initial spiritial creating, then the physical, then the birth and activities, then his life history and imamate. The authoer continued on that manner until the martyrdom of the Imam. Then he came to events of the aftermath thereof. Then, he indicated to the hadiths which show the virtuousness of paying a visit to his holy shrine.

The author then put hadiths of the same topic in a table of their own according to the narrator, thus showing the number of his narratives on that topic with a reference to the biography of the first narrator. He worked a preface for all hadiths mentioned in that same topic pointing out the particulars of the specific hadiths, their date and reason of issuance. Then he moved to the next narrator accoridng to his known name, surname or nickname in the alphabetic order.

It is noted that the author had given numbers to the hadiths, made biographies of the narrators, defined their texts and attained resutls about bringing them in line with the backgrounds of the hadiths and explaining them in their merged form, so that their significance and circumstances are quite explicit. He then concluded with deductions about what all those hadiths had born of noble senses.

He also worked a special section for the purpose of debating the fake hadiths on Imam Al-Hussain (i.e. those which were fabricated on demends by Umayyad and Abbasid authorities and other governments for disparaging the position of Imam Al-Hussain and his uprising and blemishing the goals of his movement of rectification. Here the author put a preface whereby he dealt with the history of that fabrication, its motives and consequences with some specimens thereof.

The author's approach in this connection takes account of the fact that the multitude of hadiths in this section is an outcome of the multitude of the first narrators as well as of their resources of narration and also due to disparity of text and subject-matter.

find search Al-Hussain, his parentage and descendants

» Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 18-19

Here, the author traced the ancestors of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) extending up to the father of mankind Adam (PBUH). However, in some details he dealt with Hussaini immediate parentage upto ten generations of fathers and mothers, as well as of ten generations of descendants down to the that of Imam Al-Mahdi (MAEHR).

The author had indicated to the first rank of females in every generation. In fact, this section has been worked in two chapters, the generation of fathers and generation of sons respectively. Each chapter contains the family tree. He concluded the first one with Imam Hussain, and commenced the second with him too (PBUH).

The author has as usual prepared an extensive preface on the conception of genealogy, and also on its commencement, history, development and usefulness, and on how it comes out, and so on. The author dealt in this preface also with the distinctions and titles which set the issue of the Messenger apart from others. He also explained their respective history and significance. He referred to the progressive introduction with distinction between the generations of fathers and generations of sons.

He concluded the inrtroduction with mention of Hashimite families and their distribution amongst the populations of the world.

find search The Hussaini Biography

» Worked in ten volumes bearing serial numbers: 20-29

This book contains an historical review which takes the form of a progressive research on the biography of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) ever since his seed of life was sown the eve of Monday the seventeenth of Safar in the fourth year of Hijrah until his martyrdom on Friday the tenth of Muharram in the year sixty-one of Hijrah. This volume also deals with the stages which Ahlul Beit (family) of Al-Hussain as well as the womenfolk of his partisans had followed as prisoners at the hands of Beni Umayyad all the way until their arrival in Medina on Friday the seventh of Rabi'il Awwal in the same year.

And in accordance with the normal procedure in working Encyclopedias generally, the author had worked a preface for this section whereby he dealt in commentary, analysis and interpretation, with the biography, its significance and types. Here he distinguishes between some varieties; for instance he differentiates biography from story and narrative.

Then the author had dealt with the history of biography in general, how it had commenced in that manner, what the book of biography should be concerned with and what the goals of biography are. The biographer should also look into the general social status of the subject of the biography - also the political and especially religous, as well as security, psychological, litrary, economical and educational prevailing circumstances, and so on. One should also take into consideration the geographical and national situation at the time of Imam Al-Hussain.

The last days of Imam Al-Hussain's life (PBUH) have actually occupied half the area of this biography, that is to say that it was the last ten days of the year 61 H which have taken up that half. The other half has dealt with the period before that episode, i.e. throughout the previous 56 years, 10 months and 13 days of his life.

Life history of Imam Al-Hussain during that period was in fact not quite on view to us. That is perhaps because the availability of the grandfather, mother, father and brother had played a role in this, as lights were then shed on The Messenger of God (PBUH), the Lady Fatima Al-Zahraa (PBUH), Imam Ali The Prince of The Faithful and his son Imam Al-Hassan (PBUT), thus not much so on Imam Al-Hussain (PEUH).

And so, one must admit, search for the missing links which faced the author were quite exhausting, as it was very tiring to him to trace them. Nevertheless, after envialble persistance he has been able to comprise five volumes about this period. That was indeed his labour of love to The Prince of Martyrs and his fragrant life story.

Then he concluded the comments in this section with contemplation on very important landmarks - positive and negative - in history and on The Imam's biography.

This work in short could only be the fruit of the author's dedication to The Prince of Martyrs' Cause and his fragrant life story.

find search The Hussaini prayer-book

» Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 30-31

This section consists of the prayers, Koran readings, soliloquies and activities which Imam Hussain (PBUH) used to practice all along his life and on Islamic occasions.

The author proceeded this section with a preface whereby he explained the significance of prayer, ways of its usefulness, also its limits, etiquette and causes and conditons of anwering it, as well as the mannerly and humble ways how to pray.

This preface also dealt with some special purposes of prayers, also it referred to prayers against the enemy.

This book consists of six chapters:

1. Imam Husain's prayers on special occasions.

2. His prapers in favour of persons.

3. His prayers against enemies.

4. His prayers inside a speech, a letter or conversation.

5. His saying of prayers by others.

6. Of Koranic verses which he had recited on certain events.

In all these topics, the author has looked for the source for every entered prayer and the occasions of issuing them. Here he also uncovered the untold matters of knowledge and devotion and the like as embodied in the prayers.

Besides, the author had practiced the proper research method in this section in the following manner: he marked each prayer with a number and chose a heading for it in case it had not one already. He also marked the texts with the vocalic signs 'dhamma', 'fat-ha', 'kasra' 'sukoon', 'tanween' and 'tashdeed' and stipulated their respective narrators and sources with due references. He also mentioned their numerous copies and alternatives, and explained the meanings of their words as well as the ultimate enlightenment of the prayers.

The author had finally concluded this volume of Hussaini Encyclopedia with a review of what did make him reflect on throughout his research and the conclusions he reached thereof.

find search The tradition (hadith) of Al-Hussain

» Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers: 32-34

The lifetime of Imam Al-Hussain is in fact a continuous chain of attitudes which have been recorded in form of conversations, speeches, messages and letters. These conversations, speeches, messages and letters are virtually important documents denoting every standpoint and stage of the life span of the Imam - being rich in lessons and moral messages; moreover they are a record of the events of those times.

Due to their great importance, the author gathered the long speeches, counsels, sermons and short utterances of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH), supported by suitable commentaries and explanations.

In this book, the author collected hadiths, orations, messages and letters of Imam Al-Hussain. As to prayers, poetry, jurisprudence, debates and protests, the author had edited these in other separate sections and worked suitble prefaces for all these selections relative to their significance.

In these prefaces the author dealt with types of hadiths, their purposes, and the strong relation between their style - and indeed enduring values - and their influence on others. He had also showed the relation between the style and the purpose as well. The author had also defined in this preface the styles of discourse, utterance and their proper occasions.

He also arranged this section in chapters according to the theme of his essay and tenor of viewpoint. For every chapter he worked a preface to explain those facts which became resumes of the chapters and details thereof. Besides, this section has consisted of the following chapters:

1. Jurisprudence: He did not elaborate in it; he did only the quoting of hadiths of Imam Al-Hussain in this area, because the author has allocated a special section for jurisprudence, to which he gave the rubric: "Al-Hussain and jurisprudence". There he dealt with the jurisprudential hadiths in an authentic deductional method as it will follow through. He only entered their texts, in addition to some necessary pieces of information.

2. The commentary.

3. The wise speeches: these are the long ones, without the short ones.

4. The farewell speeches.

5. Speeches (of praying to God) for help.

6. Texts of his counsels.

7. Al-Qa'im (Al-Mahdi) of Prophet Mohammed's family.

8. His talks addressed on others or to others which are arranged according to progressive dates.

9. His orations which are arranged according to progressive dates.

10. His letters which are also arranged according to progressive dates.

11. The virtues and dignified accomplishments.

12. The medicine.

13. Dream narratives, and the "head narrative" (i.e. the account of a prodigious talk of his noble head from the top of the spear during the journey together with the prisoners of Ahlul-Beit to the court of Yazeed bin Muawiya in Damascus).

14. The short speeches. This chapter consists of two parts:

a. Speeches which are short of their own.

b. Speeches which are selected from the long ones, as well as his concise uttrances which could be meant as proverbs or wise maxims.

The auhtor then worked a suitable conclusion for all these that described the concerns of the Ummah (nation), and the Imam's talent as demonstrated in his speeches.

find search Al-Hussain - his debates and protests

» Worked in three volumes bearing the numbers 35-37

The author has gathered in this section a great number of debates and protests of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) with various personalities and in differnt areas. In the preface he reviewed the difference between debate and protest. Then he indicated the conditions, purpose and significance of each, and other matters related to this subject. He also dealt with the responsibity of the leadership before God, history and the conscience, in terms of establishing convocations of the debate or the protest.

Besides, he entered texts of these debates and protests and arranged them in an alphabetic order of the debaters and protesters.

The author concluded the book with a conclusion whereby he had summed up the subjects of those debates and protsts and arranging them in an objective manner in order to facilitate reaching the desired resutls and goals of convening such debates and protests.

find search The anthology ("diwan") of Imam Al-Hussain

» Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 38-39

This is the collection of poems and verses ("diwan") attributed to Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH). The author has arranged them according to their rhymes, explained their words and verses and put in suitable commentary for every verse or poem generally.

The author had set a preface for this section wherein he indicated the copies of the "diwan" and those who undertook to collect poems attributed to Imam Al-Hussain. He also dealt with the question of attributing such poems and verse in general to the Imam (PBUH). He had also reviewed the diwan itself.

He divided the diwan into two parts: the greater and more important part consists of poems attributed to the Imam. The second part consists of poems recited by the Imam. Then he arranged the poems according to rhymes which had actually taken up all alphabetic letters.

In the first part the author gave numbers to the poems, chose rubrics for them out of their own wordings, defined their metres, types and rhymes, vocalized the texts and described the poetry. He cited the reasons of their issuing, their narration sources with commnettary on their verses as well as on technical, metrical and linguistic aspects. He also referred to those poets who preceeded The Imam on those meanings and those who quoted his own poetry. He also inferred some meanings and made some comparisons.

As to the second part, the author undertook to prescribe every poet and some of his or her poetry and biography, as well as the occasion of citing the certain very poetry by the Imam, with explanation of some wording.

This book was ended with a conclusion of studying specimens of the poetry attributed to Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and distinghuishing their artistic figuration.

find search Al-Hussain and legislation

» Worked in ten volumes bearing the serial numbers 40-49.

The infallible Imam (PBUH) is one of the sources of Islamic legislation. The author has endeavoured in this ten-volume book to cover the Sharia (legislative) verdicts which jurisprudists had deducted from the utterances, actions and statements of Imam Al-Hussain.

The author here had worked a preface generally dealing with the theme of legislation which had taken up a space of two volumes. It consisted of chapters which previously were a preface and foreword. Then he studied the substance of legislation and the relation with its subject-matter and the history of legislation and its purpose, as well as the history of Islamic Sharia and its development. He also dealt with other laws and prevailing regulations.

The author also worked at the sources of legislation and erudite (theorizing) conjecture which namely are: The Noble Koran, the Phrophetical Sunna (Tradition) including the Sunna of Ahlul- Beit (the Prophet's family), consensus and rationale; and also the comparative equation (Qiyaas), appreciative preference, common interests, approved ways and means, convention, previous legislations, the opinion of a companion (of the Prophet) and the trend of generation, legitimacy, renown, code of (social) conduct and practial fundamentals.

Besides, the author worked an essay on the school of "hadith and deduction", and also on the formal Islamic sects, namely: Abadhiyate, Imamate, Hanbalate, Hanafiyate, Zaidiyate, Shafiiyate and Malikyiate. He also discussed the nuclei of these sects, as well as schools of jurisprudence which had disappeared and the religious authority. Then he dealt with the history of legislation in the Arabian Peninsula (venered Madina, hallowed Mecca and Yemen), Iraq (Kufa, Basrah, Karbala, Baghdad, Najaf, Hillah and Sammarra), Syria (Damascus, Aleppo, Jebel-Amil, and Al-Quds- Jerusalem), North Africa (Al-Azhar University, Al-Qairawaan University), and Iran (Rai', Khurasan and Isfahan). He concluded the preface with a study on categorizing of jurisprudence with reference to some suggestions on this topic.

Then the author commenced with circumlocutary jurisprudence deducted from the utterance of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH), his action and statement in line with the known jurisprudential catagories, namely: cleanliness, prayers, pilgriamge, alms-giving, enjoining rightousness and forbidding wrong-doing, jihad (striving for the Faith), foods and drinks, marriage, divorce, patience, renaging, slave-freeing, fasting, gifts and givings, supplication, good offices (of apostles), obedience of parents, and so on.

Then the author concluded in working a chapater for the fundamentals of jurisprudence as interpreted from the utterance of Imam Al-Hussain, his action or statment, wherein the author dealt with him in the same way as he dealt with jurisprudential subjects in terms of circumlocution and deduction.

In order to describe some matters on the subject of clealiness for instance, the author had dealt with the following points:

* The chapter of going to toilet - the question of facing Holy Mecca and giving back to it and the question of cleansing oneself with cotton stuff and stones.

* The chapter of bathing - the question of bathing with water in the nude.

* The chapter of ablution - the questions of rubbing on the shoes and turban, drying up with a handkerchief after ablution and renewal of ablution after vomitting.

* The chapter of funerals - the questions of shrouding with non-white shroud and prayer on the dead. With this question the second volume of this section came to an end.

* The method of dealing with these questions is based on taking up the principles of Imam Al-Hussain and the utterances flowing out of them as the axis of this research, then looking for the supporting source, then looking into the contents of the text for examining it to the four sources of legislation, then indicating the different views on the question with their evidences, then debating them in order to attain the erudite jurisprudental conclusion and comparing it jurisprudentially with the formal seven sects of Islam - finally explaining the purpose of declaring the Sharia legal verdict in accordance with the hadiths as narrated on them, then pointing out the erudite tenor for that verdict in terms of modern science.

find search The source of Imam Al-Hussain

» Worked in five volumes bearing serial numbers: 50-54

The source is one of the terms in the art of hadith-verification (known as the art of Diraayeh - 'knowing', i.e. scrutinizing identity of narrators and their sources). It alludes here to the hadiths of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) which he had transmitted from God's Messenger (PBUH), or the hadiths of one of the Infallible Imams (PBUH) or one of the selected companions (GBT).

"The source of Imam Al-Hussain" consists of a preface on the definition of source, the history of this term and what could be thus defined. The author then deals with the narrator and narration. He then reverted to Imam Al-Hussain's fundamental role as a link in the continuity of transmitting the heritage of God's Messenger (PBUH) to the Ummah (nation) through the agency of his father, Imam Ali, his mother Al-Zahraa' and brother Al-Hassan from the one side, and his issue the nine Unfallible Imams (PBUT) beside the selected companions (GBT) from the other.

The author has therefore ventured to catagorize this source into the following bouquets:

* Hadiths which he narrated from the part of his grandfather God's Messenger (PBUH) - the Prophetical bouquet

* Hadiths which he narrated from the part of his mother, Lady Fatima Al-Zahraa' (PBUH) - the Fatimite bouquet.

* Hadiths which he narrated from the part of his father, The Prince of the Faithful, Imam Ali (PBUH) - The Alawite bouquet.

* Hadiths which he narrated from the part of his brother Imam Al-Hassan (PBUH) - The Hassani bouquet.

* Hadiths which he narrated from the part of the companions (PBUH) - The companions' bouquet.

This book has introduced all the narrations of Imam Al-Hussain which he had transmitted from his grandfather, father, mother and the companions, arranged to their topics with necessary commentaries on them and also on their sources and margins.

The author ended up with a conclusion of general outcome deducted from the hadiths. He also worked a table of hadiths of which Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) himself could have been amongst their narrators.

find search Al-Hussain is a school

» Worked in one volume bearing the serial number: 55

The author deals in this section with Imam Al-Hussain's role in different aspects of social life and the intelectual movement of Islamic sects. Here he elaborates the effect of his uprising and martyrdom on the trends of literature generally, and on the literature of Shiite Muslims in particular. One can say that this book is an exclusive study on the thought of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and the role of his personality in the rising and evolution of Islamic knowlege in relation to the main cultural aspects.

This volume consists of a preface and a conclusion appropriate to its theme.

find search Lexicon of Al-Hussain's narrators

» Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 56-57

This is a biography of those who had narrated of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH). These persons, their narratives, sources and channels had been subject to crutinizing in accordane with rules of criteria pertaining to the art of "Diraayeh" ('knowing' the authenticity of narrator and his source).

The author put a forward for this book wherein he studies the theme of narration per se, its definition, covering rules and regulations and style. In the same book, he edited a biography of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) arranged to an alphabetic order. In each of these biogrphies, he mentioned a glimpse of his own biography, then a personal biography of the narrator, his position in relation to the narrative, of what he had narrated of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and the scope of his success.

In the conclusions the author has pointed out several deductions out of the aforesaid research and also classified the narrators in the traditional method.

find search At the shadow of al-Hussain, miracles and prodigies

» Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 58-59

The author opened up this volume with an elaborate preface about the substance of miracle and prodigy and the extent of their congruence with modern science. Then he dealt with miracle in the light of Islamic conception, also with miracle between negative and positive views to it, the phenomenon of miracle and its kinds, of whether it is inconsistent with the laws set by the Creator or not, and also the mircale in the past and at the present.

He also reviewed the happenings which had taken place directly by the virtue of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) or indirectly as a prodigy due to him as from his birth until his martydom, also immediately after his martydom till our age of today.

The author has been keen in this volume to give numbers to some examples, and to select headings for them, and also to indicate the date of the particular event with a suitable commentary. In the end he stated conclusions and how to look at a miracle or prodigy.

find search The dream, visions and interpretation

» Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers: 60-62

This section basically deals with dreams as a general subject and as ordinary human phenomenon. Then the author elaborates on its particulars related to Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH). As usual, there is also a sizeable preface beside two main parts and a conclusion.

The author pointed out in the preface the essentials of knowing the linguistic and otherwise substance of dream associations such as sleep and its definition, synonyms, degrees, variety and the role of awakeness affecting the living; with a look into the modern scientific viewpoint to it.

Here the author viewed different theories relating to the topic, such as the purpose of sleep, its stages, the best position in sleep, the hyponosis, its substance and history and substance of the will, extrasensory perception, the substance of inspiration and that of dream from the linguistic, traditional Koranic and Hadith aspects - and the relation of this dream to Imam Al-Hussain.

That was in the forward. As to the first part, this was allocated to the Hussaini dream. This one has consisted of some chapters; one is of dreams and visions of what Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) narrated of himself; another is of those who had experienced seeing him in their dreams during his life; the other is of those who had seen him after his martyrdom, which is the biggest chapter.

The second part dealt with enterpreting dreams which are deemed to have taken place due to Imam Al-Hussain's accomplishments and his blessed uprising.

Then there was the conclusion which finally dealt with erudite matters the author had deducted in this part.

The author had all along methodically looked into the first section of his subject of dreams; he gave numbers to individual dreams, selected appropriate headings for each with reference to their dates and circumstances if possile, and mention of their sources with commentary on those not quite evident.

find search The Hussaini Diary

» Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 63-64

This is a diary covering for example events all through one year which are related to Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and his uprising since his birth upto our this age. The author has matched its details with calenders and diaries of different other nations, such as the Christian, lunar Hijri and solar Hijri, etc.

For some more details regarding this Diary, one can say it is day-to-day tables for one year indicating all happenings related to Imam Al-Hussain in every day during that period. Matching and comparison was made there also with past and present chronicles. The author has stated therein the day, daybreak, sunset and dusk in the big cities which were related to Imam Al-Hussain's reformational uprising i.e. the holy Medina and Mecca, and also Kufa and Damascus.

The author here has basically taken up the year duration since his demise i.e. in the month of Muharram Al-Haraam of the sixty-first till the sixty-second year of Hijra, and matched it with the year of his birth according to a number of calendars; then he added to the Diary all important historical events which had taken place during Imam Al-Hussain's life-span, which one can now discern by the day and month. As to other matters relative to the Diary, these had been dealt with in a table in the preface of every month.

As to other matters, the author had naturally worked a prepaparatory preface on the history of the Diary, of writing it down in this method and the advantage of it; and finally he put a conclusion shedding the light in it on some events and occurances and the controversy rasied up on them.

find search The political factor of Al-Hussain's uprising

» Worked in three volumes bearing the serial numbers: 65-67.

One can describe this book as an historical research on analyzing and exploring the political situations prevailing in Islamic countries as from the dawn of the Message till the commencement of the reformational uprising which Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) had guided, and for the sake of it he had sacrified himself, his family and companions - that is with extensive commentaries on the factors that had hastened the announcement of that blessed uprising. The author also dealt with the ties that had linked the Ummayad state with the Roman Byzantine state - the open and clandestine ones - and the influence of such ties on the general evolution of the Umayyad state which occupied not a short era of the Islamic state.

In the foreword the author also dealt with politics, its substance and elements, the Islamic legislation and judicature and the economic system. Then he dealt with practical policy of Islamic governors which he catagorized into stages as follows:

* The era of the Messenger (PBUH).

* The era of Abu Bakr

* The era of Omar ibn Al-Khattab

* The era of Othman ibn Affan

* The era of Ali Ibn Abi Talib

* The era of Al-Hassan ibn Ali

* The era of Mu'aawiya ibn abi Sufyan

* The era of Yazeed and Al-Hussain

The author had searched into the general situation in each of these eras under their respective rules, the prevailing internal and external politics of those eras, and the administrational, legislative and judicial authorities.

In the conclusion, the author had looked into the positive as well as negative aftermaths of these policies and also into the negative complications which has affected the development of the nation upto these times.

find search Yazeed and the Ummayyid dynasty

» Worked in one volume bearing the serial number: 68

The author makes it known to the reader of this book - starting with the Introduction - why he had tackled the biography of Yazeed explaining the different purposes thereof, amongst which he mentions the following:

1. To find out about the truth.

2. Warning against following the example of Yazeed.

In The Hussaini Encyclopedia, the author had searched into the backgrounds and hidden agenda of The Ummayid Denasty and the early political movement of the Ummayids. In this volume, he also introduced a psychological study of the personality of Mu'awiya and his son Yazeed. This is beside other facters and aptitude for certain behaviour.

In the conclusion, the author had reached concise points which can be taken up as an objective historical pivot for analyzing the events.

find search Ibn Ziyad, dark life-story

» Worked in one volume bearing the serial number: 69

Ubeid Allah bin Ziyad bin Abeeh was an oppressive Umayyad governor. The martyrdom of Imam Al-Husain, his family and partisans had ben schemed directly by him and under his immediate supervision.

In this volume of The Encyclopedia, the author had analyzed the personality of Ibn Ziyad and thoroughly studied his dark life-story.

The author started this phase with studying the factors that make one change into a renegade. He had also studied the influence of the external factors on heredity and genes, and consequently on the psyche of the newborn. He regards the environment as a school which may graduate reformers or villains. He thoroughly studied the appropriate notion: "The child belongs to the bed".

The author continued tackling Ibn Ziad's early life happenings, begining with the storm of the controversy involving the obscurity of his immediate parentage in the light of the notion: "The child belongs to the bed". The author had extensively elaborated about his life-story from the beginning to the end. In the conclusion, the author had summed up the features of this opportunist personality.

find search Islamic contributions at the age of the uprising

» Worked in one volume bearing the serial number: 70

In the preparatory preface, the author looks into the geography of the Islamic world and the capability of the Islamic state. Then he comes to the point to write about the major cities with influence on the general situation (such as Holy Mecca, Blessed Medina, Damasucs, Basrah, Kufa, Yemen and others) with stress on the centrality of these cities.

In the end, he dots the i's and crosses the t's and catagorlizes these cities according to their general headways.

find search Lexicon of Al-Hussain's partisans

» Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 71-72

The author deals in his section with those who had accompanied Imam Al-Hussain for short or long periods. In the preface, the author explains the substance of companionship and the companian - of this term, its origin, history and distinction from the partisans and narrators of this section.

The author then reverts to the subject-matter to introduce a biography of the entire life-span of each of the Imam Al-Hussain's companions meaning those who are covered by this denomination, but not the partisans who accompanied The Imam and took part in At-Taff Battle in Karbala, nor those who had narrated of him.

For each of these personalities, the author gave a number and amply dealt with his life as a companion.

In the conclusion, the author made comparison amongst them in tems of different matters which distinguish some of them from the others.

find search Documents of the Hussaini uprising

» Worked in one volume bearing the serial number: 73

This volume consists of a number of letters, speeches and statements which had been exchanged between the conflicting parties of which Al-Hussain (PBUH) is the chief one. These are other than letters and speeches of Imam Al-Husain which the author had separately collected in another work.

In the preface, the author deals with the mechanism of documents in those times and the difference between the documents of the state and those of the opposition. In the end he founds his conclusions on what the two parties had written in form of letters, or what they had delivered as speeches or lectures which bore importance at the time in terms of their security and political dimensions.

The author had quoted the speeches, messages and some debates according to their historical sequence. He defined their sources, made commentary on their obscure wording, and referred to arguments about them. He ensured the sequence of these documents in such a manner to domonstrate the Hussaini uprising and the nature of oppression which it had faced.

In the end, he dealt with the resutls and the points which could indicate the social, political and security situation at the time and what developments it had yielded.

find search Lexicon of the narrators of the Hussaini carnag

» Worked in one volume bearing the serial nunber: 74

This section has been allocated for the biography of the narrators of At-Taff Battle, especially Imam Ali Zain Al-Abideen (PBUH), Lady Zainab the daughter of Imam Ali (PBUH), Lady Fatimah the daughter of Al-Hussain (PBUH), and Hameed bin Muslim and Aqaba bin Sam'aan and others.

In the preface, the author wrote of the role of the narrator of which he pointed out that it was not confined only to audience but the narrator has also to substantiate his witnessing the event and to reveal the relevant circumstances synchronous with any event so that the picture of occurances would become evident. The author then explained matters pertaining to the narrator like being independent (neutral in transmitting the actual happenings) and what the qualifications of this military narrator as later on defined.

The author had worked biographies of all who took part in conveying the sanguinary events on Aashura Day. He finally reached conclusions of accepting or suspecting the narrations of At-Taff Battle.

find search Lexicon of Hashemite partisans of Al-Hussain

» Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 75-76

This section is a reading of life stories of the Hashemite partisans of Al-Hussain who sacrificed their souls for him (PBUH) thus giving up themselves as offerings on the straightforward path of God.

In the preface, the author defined the conception of partisan in this lexicon and researched into the case of Iman Ali bin Abi Talib (PBUH) and his four sons, those from the grandsons of Abu Talib who were present at the At-Taff Battle.

In this book, the author wrote on the life-stories of The Hashemites one by one as social and erudite biographies. As to that part of their stories as fighting partisans of Al-Hussain, this one was left for the sections of biographies.

The author also wrote on anyone who could have been then present in Karbala and examined facts on this matter so as to reach the conclusion whether they were actually present or not. Their names were listed to alphabetic order.

The author concluded with mention of the classes of these partisans with some informative tables about them.

find search Lexicon of non-Hashemite partisans of Al-Hussain

» Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers: 77-79

In the beginning of this section the author wrote of the allegiance and sacrifice which the partisans had offered to Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and their significance. He also looked into the motives of those allegiance and sacrifices and the words given as tributes to them.

He wrote on their life-stories, their heroic stands, their family histories and dates of their joining the procession of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and related matters, and arranged their biographies to alphabetic order.

In the preface he wrote on their ethnic identities, classes in society and the good care given to them by Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) withtout any discrimination or disparity. He then made some tables on their ages, indentities and professions.

find search Lexicon of women partisans of Al-Hussain

» Worked in one volume bearing the serial numbers: 80

From the beginning, the author had reviewed the participation of women in the movement of the Hussaini procession towards Karbala and the role of woman generally in the society and in At-Taff Battle.

Then he narrated life stories of those women, one by one, in an alphabetic order, without discrimination between the Hashemite and others. He wrote on them extensively, excepting what is covered in the Hussaini biography for evading repetition. He looked into different opinions on whether any of them was present or absent from the procession, and related matters.

In the end of this section, the author made a table of the roles of these women, their ages and their tragedies and relations with the men who took part in the Battle.

find search Remaining behind the Hussaini procession

» Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 81

In this volume, the author studied with ample analysis the absence of Umma (the nation) from joining the procession of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) for standing against oppression. In this respect he pointed out to the notion that human societies throughout history and in all times and places are classified into classes, each is at times convinced of a certain strategy ruling its own conduct and at others of another.

He wrote also of individuals and groups who were supposed to join the Imam, for example such as Ibn Abbas and Ibn Al-Hanafiya. He profoundly studied every personality or group and reviewed the special circumstances and factors pertaining to them and focussed - in this direction - on a certain group who had allegiance to Ahlul-Beit [the family of the Prophet] (PBUT) and were companions of Imam Ali and Imam Al-Hassan (PBUT) of eminent Shiite personalities whom the author classified into categories.

In the end, the author dotted the i's and crossed the t's to weigh these personalities or groups after the norms of legitimacy and politics.

find search Lexicon of those who fought against Al-Hussain

» Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 82-83

This section introduces biographies of those who could be recognized as amongst participants in fighting against Al-Hussain (PBUH), his family and partisans. The author has dug them out from heaps of books and works and shed light on the obscure spots of their life stories.

In the preface, the author wrote on the Ummayid camp whose infrastructure was supervised by the governor bin Ziyad bin Abeeh and led by Omar bin Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas, on its conformation, composition, number of its elements and the various narrations about all that.

Then he pinned down, one by one in an alphabetic order, those who fought against Al-Hussain whom the author was able to discern and uncover their life stories and motives in coming out to fight, or taking part in killing, Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH). He mentioned these in form of points in order to facilitate dealing with them.

In the end, he put a table with statistics about the number of those killed, their affiliations and other matters related to them.

find search The Battle of At-Taff, tables and statistics

» Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 84

This section consisted of indexes and tables that make it possible to get one statistically acquainted with matters pertaining to Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and his reformational uprising. The author had inserted statistical pieces of information on The Battle of At-Taff in their right positions. These tables have thus included: the messengers of Al-Hussain, those who joined the Hussaini procession, nubmer of companions and their family memebrs and proteges, number of those killed and their family members and proteges, number of children and their names, number of women who were present in Karbala, and women who stayed behind in Medina, the surviving ones and those martyred of the partisans, the martyrs of the first campaign, the families then resident in Kufa, the clans who came to be present in Karbala, the servants of the partisans of Al-Hussain (PBUH), the partisans and their proteges and family membrs in names and ranks, number of severed heads, and different other statistics. These tables and statistics were preceded by a preparatory preface and ended up with a conclusion indicating deductions relevant to the subject.

find search Historical investigations on the Hussaini uprising

» Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 85-86

This section deals with conflicting points and matters of diffference arising on some aspects of the history of the reformational Hussaini uprising. First, the author had discussed causes of confusion incurred on historical events and the way they were dealt with. Then he touched the core of the matter concerning Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) as a person, history or life-story, as well as the circumstances that surrounded the Imam and his uprising - that is in order to uncover the facts that were lost amongst the wreckage of conflicting chronicles for finally establishing the whole truth.

The author ended this section with reference to eminent points in each study in order to distinguish those factors which resulted in creating events and their theme.

find search The rival and the ally throughout the march of A-Hussain

» Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 87

There were several personalities who played different roles throughout the march of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and his reformational uprising. This section introduces a short biography for each of them. In the preface, the author also dealt with the conceptions of allegiance and disowning and their influence on behaviour and the natural consqunce of things in terms of their final transformation to decisions and attitudes.

In this context, the author made reference to some groups of religious, social and political personalities who held certain attitudes during the episode of the Hussaini uprising. In the end he reached to the outcome of such attitudes which led to making decisions on which history was based and legitimacy has been granted to a large section of Islamic society up to our this day.

find search The dimensions of the Hussaini uprising

» Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 88

This volume deals with later effects of the Hussaini uprising with a study of its different dimensions.

The author wrote in the preface that for every cause one must beforehand plan goals by which one must abide for the benefit of the cause. He also referred to the notion that a cause is as big as its promoter, and that one usually regards the one cause as aiming just at one goal. However, there are some personalities who would not venture at some cause without ensuring fulfilment of numerous results from it.

The author expressed his belief that Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) was determined to fulfill those goals - which in fact were manifold in their boundaries, angles and dimensions. However, those goals were indeed unknown or not understood to many, which history had eventually uncovered and will also uncover more of their aspects in future.

The author had in the same volume tackled the political, social and ethical dimensions and effects which the uprising of Imam Al-Hussain has left in its wake in the life of the Muslim Ummah, and the number of these dimensions and effects. Then he came to the outcomes he conluded from those goals which we may implement in our practical life.

find search Al-Hussain - a movement begetting another

» Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 89-90

Among the dimensions of the reformational uprising of Imam Al-Hussain are indeed the awaking of the Ummah, stimulating it to watch on the authority of rulers lest it deviate, and opposing it and if necessary confronting it when it does. Given this, the author first wrote of the reformational and transformational movements and uprisings which had taken place after the Battle of At-Taff, starting with the Movement of At-Tawwabeen (the repentants) led by Suleiman bin Surd Al-Khuza'i down to these times. The author informed about these movements giving some examples of them in accordance to their chronological order throughout history after the Hussaini uprising.

He concluded this section across reviewing the pre-requisites of the successful uprising.

find search Lexicon of places

» Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 91

This section is assigned to inform about the places which Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) had frequented as from his birth in the city of Jedda until his martyrdom in Karbala.

The author referred in the preface to the subject of the science of geography which he described as having different aspects, some relate to cities, how they were emerged, and how some parts of history entwine with geography, specifically in terms of the past of the certain city in its known geographical boundries. After reviewing the history of science of geography, he stressed the strong liaison between the two sciences - history and geography - in making events.

Then in the same context he mentioned appropriate happenings during the periods of Imam Al-Hussain's residence at each station or place.

He concluded that the immortality of these cities is bound up to the immortality of the personalities who made their history.

find search Imam Al-Hussain's uprising - emergence and confirmation of history

» Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 92

The author has in this work extended his research into the chronicles of the uprising of Imam Al-Hussain, the persons who were the issue of the forebears who fought against Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and those who were martyred with him. The author has stressed that it is the grave events that catch the attention of nations which make their history. He quoted a number of events of apparently limited significance whose effects had yet reached beyond their narrow boundary. Then he elaborated up to the minute on historical records of the Imam's uprising. This work has contained several chapters like: Texts of history of the day of the Imam's martyrdom, the martyrdom in Battle of Karbala, those who were born on the day Ashoora, those who died on the day of Ashoora, those born the day of the Imam's birthday, and those who died on the day of his birthday, as well as events of Ashoora Day throughout the ages.

The author had also exhibited the benefit of this history and how it links up the past with the present.

find search Dictionary of The Hussaini uprising

» Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 93

The author dealt first with the term "dictionary", its history and when it was first applied in this field.

The heritage of the Hussaini uprising has inter alie left behind a tradition of catchwords, mottoes and terminology in different languages which has accompanied the Hussaini celebrations throughout the history of this uprising. The author has on his part acted to collect in this volume the items of this particular tradition with suitable commentary for each item.

Besides, given the declensions of those items the author explained the signficance of these wordings in terms of their particular allusion to Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and his blessed uprising and its effects and influences in areas of the Hussaini literature and celebrations.

He listed these items to their alphabetic order without reference to their origins, so as to facilitate for others any further research into them. He conlcuded with commentary on the characteristics of these items.

find search Anecdotes and tales inspired by Kerbala

» Worked in one volume bearing serial number : 94

The author wrote in this volume of the anecdote and tale and of their role in society and took the view that an historical event must leave some trace in its wake.

The author had here collected a number of anecdotes, tales and fascinating narratives from the spectre of the Hussaini uprising which present a lot of wisdom and excitement.

He arranged this collection in four chapters: the anecdotes, the tales, the fascinating narratives and the humour.

However, he pointed out that some stories of this collection, which he presented in a literary style, might not be real ones, yet they do not fail to instruct and entertain.

find search Misgivings and rebuttals

» Worked in ten volumes bearing serial numbers: 95-104

The author has in this section confronted the criticisms raised against the uprising of Imam Al-Hussain and traced them back to their original motives which he had refuted in a scholarly manner based on research and verification.

The author first wrote on how  misgiving may arise, then looked into how it reaches the human mind and the heart of the believer. Then he wrote of its effect and how to erase it across replacing it by the truth. He stresses that  misgivings must be traced and looked upon as a matter of psychology, before being a matter of belief, and be treated likewise.

The author reviewed these misgivings and found that they are of different kinds: some have been put in writing and become ready pieces of information, some are still verbally straying among people, some stir in their minds and some the author had presumed and responded to.

Some of these misgivings were directed against personalities like the Imam himself, not any of the other infallible ones - or one of his revered family members, his noble partisans or followers, or in respect to his blessed uprising or other matters concerning the Imam (PBUH).

The author categorized the misgivings into chapters according to their themes.

He concluded by stating some constructive principles for combatting misgivings, some of these are to be considered a condition of suspicion malady, and he explained the method of treating them.

find search Al-Hussain's life story

» Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 105

The author had reviewd into this volume of the Hussaini Encyclopedia the life story of Al-Hussain (PBUH). Yet before he had done so he wrote on the substance of the concept of the story, its synonyms and the difference between its varieties and their cultural effects.

The author told Al-Hussain's life story to the readers from the beginning to the end in a novel, narrative style whose texts could be suitable for a theatre play. He selected the sentimentally exciting features in the the whole course of his life-span which he intended to distinguish in this review. In the end he used the main points in the story to demonstrate his own idea of the whole review all through some aspects of those points to show the Al-Hussain's example in dealing with self, life and others.

find search History of the shrines

» Worked in seven volumes bearing serial numbers: 106-112

The author first explained in the preparotary foreword that this section was not confined to the Hussaini shrine, but it also covers all other shrines which are related to Imam Al-Hussain and his blessed uprising. He had stressed in this foreword that the research does not only deal with the date of construction of the certain mausoleum, but also verifying whether it truly belongs to the one entombed there.

Then he reviewed the meanings of "shrine" or "mausoleum" and wrote on the construction of these shrines and their reverence and of the political role of the shrines as well as their roles in solidification of the international relations amongst peoples due to their religious, cultural, tourist and economical representations, also in terms of Islamic architectonic and constructional designs; of these some examples were mentioned.

The author also dealt with the history of the shrines and their development, and he reviews them in accodring to their alphabetic order, with ample information of each. The book also contains pictures, designs and sketches, some in colour.

As to the shrines dealt with in the first volume, these are Ibraheem Al-Ashtar Shrine, Umul Baneen Shrine, Lady Um Kulthoom Shrine, Muslim's Sons Shrine, Bakr bin Ali Shrine, Bait Fatima Shrine (Al-Hussain's birthday), Hussaini Shrine and its development throughout centuries as from the beginning up to the 15th. Hijri century. This volume also refers to the history of shrines up to the end of l4th. Hijri century.

In the second volume, the author followed up the history of the Hussaini Shrine as from the 5th. century until the 14th. century.

In the third volume, he started with the 5th. century and ended up with technical study of the shrine, with tables and statistics of the minaret of the Hussaini Shrine, number of visitors throughout history, a table of construction and destruction of the Shrine, a table of valuable gifts, and a third table of the visits of governmental personalities, local and foreign - kings, prime ministers, princes, ministers, with tables of the history of all aspects of the Hussaini Shrine.

This volume also represnts details of technical matters such as architecture, mosaics and designs used.

The fourth and the following volumes deal with the history of these places: The Hussaini Mausoleum (PBUH), Ibn Sa'ad Shrine in Karbala, Habeeb ibn Mudhahir Al-Asadi Shrine - Karbala, Al-Hur ibin Yazeed Al-Riyahi - Karbala, Al-Husain Ibin Ali, Martyr of Fakh - Holy Mecca, Lady Khawla Shrine in Baalbek, The Tent of Ali, Karbala suburb, The Head of Hussain Shrine in different places in Damascus, The Head of Hussain Shrine in Ashkelon - Palestine, Hussain's Head Shrine in Cairo, Hussain's Head Shrine in Riqqa - Syria, Hussain's Head Shrine in Najaf - Iraq in differnt places, Hussain's Head Shrine in Holy Medina, Hussain's Head Shrine in Marw (Iran), Hussain's Head Shrine in Ma'rrat An-Nu'mann, Syria. Hussain's Head Shrine in Karbala, The Shrine of the Heads of Martyrs in Damascus, Lady Ruqqia Shrine, Rashid Al-Hijri Shrine, Zainul Aabideen Shrine in Daqooq, Kirkuk (Iraq), Zainul Aabideen Shrine in Egypt, Zainul Aabideen Shrine in Karbala, Zainul Aabideen Shrine in Baqee' (Medina), Lady Zainab Shrine in Damascus, Lady Zainab Shrine in Cairo, Lady Zainab Shrine in Sinjaar (Iraq), Lady Zainab Shrine in Karbala, Zaid ibin Ali Shrine in Kufa, As-Saqt Shrine in Aleppo (Syria), Lady Sukaina Shrine (in Damascus, Medina, Kufa, Tabaria, Haifa, Egypt, Mecaa), Sulaiman ibin Surd Al-Khuza'i Shrine in Kufa, Martyrs Shrine, Karbala, Aatika bint Al-Hussain Shrine - Karbala, The first Shrine of Ali Al-Akbar - Karbala, The second Shrine of Ali Al-Akbar - Karbala, Abu Al-Fadhl Al-Abbas Mausoleum in Karbala, The House of Omar ibin Huraith (the locality where Al-Hussain's head was buried - Kufa), Al-Aon Shrine - Karbala, Abdullah, Al-Hussain's son (Al-Aftas ['The flat-nosed]) - Baghdad, Abdulla ibn Habeeb Al-Azdi Shrine - Kufa, Abdulla ibn Yaqtur Shrine - Kufa, Fatima , Al-Hussain's daughtr - Egypt, Fedha and Al-Asad Shrine - Karbala, Fedha An-Nawbia - Damascus, Khadija's Dome - Holy Mecca, The Shrine of Al-Abbas's Right Palm - Karbala, The Shrine of Al-Abbas's Left Palm - Karbala, Al-Mukhtar Ath-Thaqafi Shrine - Kufa, Muslim bin'Aqeel Shrine - Kufa, Maytham A-Tammar Shrine - Kufa, Killing-place of Al-Hussain - Karbala, Al-Hussain's Encampment, Karbala, Al-Nuqta Shrine - Aleppo, Al-Nuqta Shrine - Mosul, Hani bin Urwa A-Muradi Shrine - Kufa.

It is to be mentioned here that the author has especially dealt with those shrines, and not with any others, for their immediate relation with the uprising of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH).

In the end he wrote of any pieces of information about these shrines which could be useful to us in our own daily life.

find search "Ziyara" (holy "visits" to and prayers) at Al-Hussaini Shrines

»Worked in six volumes bearing serial numbers : 113-118

In special religious occasions related to the Hussaini uprising and his own life story, Muslims - specially the followers of Ahlul-Bait - are accustomed to pay visits to the Al-Hussaini mausoleum (PBUH) in Karbala and other associated shrines. This volume is allocated to dealing with and reviewing these religious

visits and their tradition.

The author has explained in the foreword the meaning of the Ziyara, whom to be visited and its purpose and legality as well as the method applied to it, with a stress that the substance of Ziyara is different from common prayers in terms of its dimensions and benefits. Ziyara institution is considered to be a phase of the political tradition which is to direct the Ummah (nation) to point to wrongdoings and to expose and combat oppression, whilst the purpose of common prayers and respective supplications in general is stimulation to strive to explore the devine creation and concepts of faith through spiritual aspiration to the Creator.

The author has reviewed here the aspects of Ziyara and put them in chapters. In the first chapter he gathered all kinds of Ziyara prayers and supplications related to Al-Hussain (PBUH) and his partisans which one can read out at any time without limitation.

In the second chapter, he gathered all prayers and supplications related to Al-Hussain (PBUH) and his partisans which one can read out in special occasions; these he set out in detail mentioning that for every lunar month there is a special prayer to be recited in a certain time.

In the third chapter, he collected all prayers pertaining to the Infallibles Ones (amongst them Imam Al-Hussain) and other devout ones (the partisans of Al-Hussain are among them).

The author allocated the last chapter to the activities and prayers which concern the said aspects of Ziyara also to the revered Hussaini Mausoleum and other shrines of Al-Hussain's partisans and what is associated with them of invocations in preparations to the fulfilment of Ziyara.

It is to be noted that for every Ziyara-prayer the author had edited an appropriate rubric, with giving special numbers for them. He clarified their unclear wording with indication to some of their sublime significance. He had also referred to thier dates and sources, and reviewed the like of relative matters worthy of debate.

The author concluded with some deductions as a result of reviewing these holy "ziyara" prayers.

find search Various phases of the Hussaini movement

»Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 119-120

The author has indicated in the forword the contents of this section; he explained and related them to the Hussaini Cause. Then he put these contents into chaptrs as below:

1. Shining facets of the Al-Hussain's life story.

2. The analytical biography of Imam Al-Hussain.

3. The physical features of Imam Al-Hussain.

4. Al-Hussain was enviable.

5. How the familiar name of "Abul Hussain" (father of Hussain) was given to (his father) Imam Ali (PBUH).

6. Stating reasons and goals relating to Imam Al-Hussain's course of action and eventual martyrdom.

7. The military aptitude of Imam Al-Hussain.

8. The tactics and tools of war on Aashoora Day.

9. The theories put on Imam Al-Hussain and his Uprising.

10. The governors at the time of the Uprising.

11. The goals of the Hussaini Uprising.

12. Fallacies intended to encroach on the Uprising.

13. How caliphs and kings dealt with the Cause of Imam Al-Hussain.

14. Renouncements of the killing of Imam Al-Hussain.

15. Who undertook the profanation of Imam Al-Hussain.

16. The wrongedness of Imam Al-Hussain took different shapes after his martyrdom.

17. The devotees of Al-Hussain (PBUH) and the aspects of their devotion.

18. The Hussaini imposters.

19. Those who had deified Imam Al-Hussain and the falsity of their claim.

20. Al-Hussain's dictation and his recitation of the Koran.

21. The possessions of Imam Al-Hussain.

22. The auhtor's essays on Imam Al-Hussain.

23. The political mission of the Hussaini Cause.

24. The different manners of Hussaini podium-speakers.

And other topics for which it was not quite possible to allocate special chapters. The author concluded with some deductions on top of which is the greatness of Imam Al-Hussian.

find search Sayings on Al-Hussain

»Worked in one volume with serial number: 121

The auhtor first dealt with the universality of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) in terms of his impartiality amongst sects, communities, classes of people or times - stressing that Imam Al-Hussain could not be limited because he belongs to all. The author on this occasion pointed to the value of personal appraisements especially when made by outsiders who in a general way do not belong to the kith and kin, tribe or the sect of the appraised.

In this context, the author had collected sayings by renowned world personalities of different cultures, each within the scope of their influences, and arranged them in an alphabetic order according to their names, nicknames or known familiar appellations.

He identified every such personality and quoted their respective sayings on Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH).

In the end he selected such sayings that lead one to see how the Cause of the Imam had penetrated far and wide into the souls of great men of history.

find search The prelude to the Hussaini poetry

»Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 122-123

The author at first dealt with the poem prologue and its benefits in poetry. He followed the same path of others in this respect in preparation to his research that he put in chapters as follows:

1. The Diwan (anthology) - its verity and history.

2. Literature - how it comes to existence, its definition, various values, sources, realm, aims, pinnacle, litrary arts and styles.

3. Poetry in literature - its forms, the difference between poetry and composition, poet's moods, the charm of poetry, poetry theft, scholarly degrees of poetry, litrary openness.

4. The history of poetry - its development, the stages of Hussaini poetry which the author had distinguished with a special role for each, with explanation of social, political, religious and security influences on this poetry.

5. The metric system of poetry, prosody, metrical feet and their history and development. The author counted up to 34 metrical feet and wrote of some intertwining with the (contemporary) free poetry.

6. The author dealt with different aims of poetry with details of their histories. He had amply written of "gazal" (amatory) poetry and its forms, and of elegiac poetry and its kinds and discussed whether these types of poetry are under (religious) prohibition.

7. He tackled the termology of the metric system as he deemed it necessary to introduce them in this Encyclopedia due to this containing sections dealing with anthologies.

8. He wrote of the legal position of poetry in general and quoted hadiths (religious narrations) pro and con poetry and discussed them.

9. He discussed whether the poet has a devil gripping him, as some pre-Islamic tradition relates, or an angel inspiring him.

10. He wrote of the importance of the Hussaini poetry.

11. He wrote on the influence of the Hussaini Day on poetry.

12. He reviewed in this Encyclopedia the methodology of dealing with poetry.

In the end the author pointed out to the importance of such a research for the future of poetry, Arabic and non-Arabic, composed in high Arabic or in local dialects.

find search Diwan (anthology) of the first hijra century

»Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers 124-125

In the foreword for this diwan, the author made comments on Hussaini poetry of this century expounding various viewpoints on its contents.

Then he commenced the diwan with poems in the rhyme of glottal 'hamza' letter (alif) with 'dhamma' vocalic sign and ended up with poems of the rhyme of 'sheen' with 'sukoon' sign thus reaching 150 poems in the first volume.

In the second volume he started with the rhyme of letter 'ain' with 'fat-ha' sign ending up in "yaa' with 'sukoon' sign. Here he had in that way completed the diwan of the first century. The poems totalled to 319.

In the end he selected some examples of poems from the two volumes which present especially brilliant artistic pictures; a poem from the rhyme of the letter 'raa' with 'fat-ha' vocalic sign was added to them bringing their number to 320 poems.

It is to be noted that the method applied to the diwans throughout the centuries has been arranged as below:

Poems of different lengths were arranged in an alphabetic order of the rhymes. Rhymes with 'fat-ha' sign were put first, then came those with 'dhamma', then with 'kasra', then those with 'sukoon'. The author had proceeded with the vocalic signs of the rhymes according to the date of demise of the respective poet.

The author gave numbers to all these poems and put rubrics to them and indicated vocalic signs to their wordings. He indicated their sources and authors and the occasions of their initiation. Then he made comments on every verse for avoiding obscurity, or in order to discern their grammatical, linguistic or metrical irregularity - or thier historical origin. This is in the first place the normal method in the critique of poetry.

find search Diwan of the second hijra century

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 126

The author first referred to the connection between this diwan and the that of the first century. He summed up this correlation in a few points, and in other points he explained their different features as well; then he analysed these points and mentioned how they had come about.

This diwan consists of ninety-four poems of different lengths, starting with the rhyme of letter 'hamza' with 'fat-ha' vocalic sign and ending up in 'yaa`' with fat-ha'. The author concluded with a commentary on the themes of poetry in this century. Then he added two short poems in the rhyme of letter 'waw' with 'fat-ha' to the diwan of this century.

find search Diwan of the third hijra century

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 127

The author wrote in the foreword about the atrocities suffered by Ahul-Beit (PBUT) and their followers at the hands of rulers - which had an influence on the initiation and recitation of poetry, and explained why poetry was rare in this century.

This diwan consists of fifty-nine poems of different lengths starting from 'long alif' rhyme ending up in 'yaa`' rhyme with 'kasra' vocalic sign.

In the end the author shed light on the features of contents of the poems subject-matter which teem with sensations of agony and aspirations in their chests.

He reverted to the second century diwan and complemented poem No. 43 with some lines which were earlier omitted.

find search Diwan of the fourth hijra century

»Worked in two volume bearing serial numbers: 128-129

At first the author had made concise comparison between the second and the third century on the one hand, and the fourth century on the other. Then he made a general commentary on the general social sections active on the political scene. He expounded the various uprisings, political movements and the little states which rose at that time, as well as the scholarly movement of the Imamite sect and its transportation to a new stage after the absence of the Attended Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (PBUH).

The author commenced this diwan with the rhyme of the letter 'hamza' with "kasra' vocalic sign and concluded it with the rhyme of letter "seen' with 'kasra' sign in the poem No. 82.

The second volume has ended up in the rhyme of letter 'yaa`' with 'kasra' sign in poem No. 173. In the conclusion the author made a comparison between poets and wrote of some important ones of them.

find search Diwan of the fifth hijra century

»Worked in one volume bearing the serial number: 130

The author laid stress in the foreword for this volume on the fact that it was the fourth century which had rendered a good start to the fifth. Fortunately that was because the poets of the fourth century had survived through to the fifth and lived on a part of it.

This diwan consists of seventy-seven poems of different lengths which started with the rhyme of letter 'hamza' with 'dhamma' and ended up in the rhyme of 'yaa`' with 'dhamma' vocalic sign.

In the end the author had contemplated the substance of certain peculiar poems with due analysis as they had also caught his attention in terms of their unidentified authors.

find search Diwan of the sixth hijra century

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 131

At first the author looked into the general political, social and security situations in the sixth century - in terms of the ruling states, state of societies, prevailing events and their impact on poetry and poets. He also wrote of Andalucian poets and their share in Hussaini poetry, and mentioned some Hussaini poets whose poetry however never reached us despite the fact that historians had referred to them as such.

He also made some interesting notes on the said century relating to poetry and poets concerned with the Hussaini Cause.

This diwan starts off with the rhyme of letter 'hamza' (alif) with 'kasra' vocalic sign and ends up in 'yaa' with 'kasra' sign. Total poems of different lengths amounts to 131.

In the end he reviewed a selection of poems to throw light, amongst other things, on the features of poetry of this century. Then he expounded characteristics of some poetry styles and special ways of litrary illustrations in that age.

A short poem of the rhyme of letter 'raa' with 'kasra' missing from the third century was inserted in this volume.

find search Diwan of the seventh hijra century

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 132

In the foreword for this diwan, the author wrote of the stagnation of the litrary movement during this epoch. He explained the causes, inter alie, as one state fell apart and another rose up, in this century. He explained the extent of effect of this situation on both initiating and reciting poetry, beside other factors bearing upon this state of affairs.

The author then reviewed the Islamic countries far and wide for the Hussaini literature, here stressing the Andalucian section, and wrote of the influence of this literature in general in religious and public life, but especially during our this century and how extensive it is.

He started off this diwan with the rhyme of letter 'hamza' with 'fat-ha' vocalic sign ending up with letter 'yaa' with 'sukoon' sign. It consisted of 94 poems of different lengths.

In conclusion, the author examined the poetry of princes and kings and quoted some specimens of them of his choice with short commentary.

find search Diwan of the eighth hijra century

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 133

At first, the author compared the poetry of earlier centuries with that of the later ones and took up the eight century as an average between the two collections. He drafted a table for the states which ruled during the subject century, stating their allegiances and capitals. He wrote of the roles of these states in terms of their promoting or hindering the Hussaini poetry, and indicated to some regions, where the Hussaini poetry was popular during this century, with reference to their locations, geographic dimensions and other relevant details.

This diwan consisted of 45 poems of different lengths. He started off with the rhyme of letter 'hamza' with 'kasra' ending up with 'yaa' with 'kasra'.

The author concluded this section with a note that the bulk of this diwan was established on the work of five poets. He elaborated on their identities, work and the features of their Hussaini poetry, and made comparison of them with others.

find search Diwan of the nineth hijra century

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 134

In the foreword the author wrote of the social and security conditions in Arabic countries and of the ranks of poets far and wide in those countries during the said century which however showed retrogression of poetry in general. He compared the common features of this century with the previous one in terms of poetry generally but specially of this diwan.

He started off the diwan with the ryhme of letter 'hamza' with 'fat-ha' vocalic sign, ending up with 'noon' with 'sukoon'. This diwan consists of 44 poems of different lengths.

In the end he reviewed the eminent poets of that century, quoted examples of their poetry and their features and compared these examples with other poetry

find search Diwan of the tenth hijra century

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 135

The author dealt in the foreword with the vast state in which and whereby the Ottomans ruled in the name of Islam. Whilist they engaged themselves on its fields in futile conflicts with the West as well as with other fellow Muslims, meanwhile they had been ill-treating the peoples inside those huge territories That lead to a general state of deterioration and chaos. The Arabic language and its literature, especially poetry, were met with retrogression under those conditions and so poets and mens-of-letters in-general were made rare. The foreword of this diwan is thus the biggest amongst forewords of the previous ones.

However, the conclusion of this book was made short, because the author could not come across much of interest in this century which he found to be dull in terms of its litrary prospects.

The total poems in this book is 67 starting off with the rhyme of letter 'hamza' with 'kasra' vocalic sign and ending up in 'yaa' with 'fat-ha'.

The author added 15 short poems to this diwan which were let slipping out the diwans of the previous centuries.

find search Diwan of the eleventh hijra century

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 136

The foreword of this book is rather large owing to the literary features which were allowed by the openness of the stable security conditions in the Arabic countries as parts of the Islamic world. Poetry stood as a front for those features in that period.

In this foreword, the author rapidly reviewed the linguistic irregularities showing in this century. Then he dealt with the retarded features in literary movement in general and poetry in particular which fact had distinguished it from other centuries, with due explanation as to the factors of this retardation at that time. Then he referred to the loss of a number of sources of Hussaini poetry and told of reasons of the loss.

This diwan consists of 80 poems of different lengths which starts off with rhyme of letter 'hamza' with 'kasra' vocalic sign and ends up in 'yaa' with 'fat-ha' sign.

In the conclusion he wrote that concern with the Hussaini Cause, the Hussaini personality, the partisans of Al-Hussain and all aspects of the Hussaini Uprising have superceded all other causes and become the theme of the most popular and vastest poetry of all times up to our this day.

Out of these different aspects of the Cause, the author has presented some examples of poetry of this century with due commentary.

find search Diwan of the twelfth hijra century

»Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers: 137-139

The author wrote here of the circumstances prevailing in this century and told why poetry has so favourably developed in the subject-century that three volumes had been quite filled up with Hussaini poetry, compared with the thrifty previous centuries. He also wrote of the phenomena of poetry in this century.

This diwan consists of 239 poems of different lengths which starts off with rhyme of the letter 'hamza' with 'kasra' vocalic sign and ends up in 'yaa' with 'damma' sign.

In the last round, the author made a selection of a group of poems composed by poets of the captured century which he studied and analysed.

find search Diwan of the thirteenth hijra century

»Worked in eight volumes bearing serial numbers: 140-147

In a quick round-up the author had explored the depths of the litrary movement in this century and what had stirred then to make it break away from the fetters of the previous centuries thus rendering it more lively and more compassing than anything before so as to make poetry in general and that pertaining to Aba Abdulla Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) in particular that over-flowing. Besides, the author had amply dealt with the characteristics of this century.

This diwan consists of 594 poems of different lengths. In the conclusion the author made a thorough study of texts of the subject century; and of each type of these poems he selected a bunch in order to demonstrate those fine characteristics of which he wrote in the foreword. The author dealt also with the features of poetry of this century.

find search Diwan of the fourteenth hijra century

»Worked in twenty volumes bearing serial numbers: 148-167

The author tends to consider this century as the golden one of poetry both in quality and quanity. Poetry and literature in general have reached their zennith in this century in spite of the fact that many poets were still following the classic style of previous episodes, especially of the Abbasid age. However, one can hardly deny the fact that the litrary movement had breathed new life and begot abundant poetry and many poets during this century in a manner not known for the previous ones. Of this and other aspects, the author wrote in the foreword with review of the respective factors and characteristics as well as of contemporary events in the litrary realm of prose and poetry for this period.

This diwan consists of 1848 poems of different lengths starting off with the rhyme of letter 'hamza' with 'fat-ha' vocalic sign and ending up in letter 'yaa' with 'sukoon' sign.

In the conclusion the author had reviewed every rhyme individually thus uncovering their special features which make this one conclusion perhaps the largest one in the Hussaini Encyclopedia.

The number of volumes of this diwan (anthology) of the fourteenth century could be much increased, because there are still many poems of different lengths which had reached the knowledge of the author only lately, which shows there is a great mass of poetry still to be treated with due study.

find search Diwan of the fifteenth hijri century

»Worked in twenty volumes bearing serial numbers: 168-187

The author has not yet put a foreword for this section, for that is not likely before covering - or nearly so - all poetry composed on Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) during this century. Since we are still hovering over the first fifth of this section, the number of volumes so far being worked reached twenty, while the number of poems of different lengths amounts to about 2000. Every day a new poem or a modern one comes along to the author. He therefore should expect the number of volumes to reach 80 if it won't exceed at least 100. This is of course provided the method of organizing poetry is not disturbed, because if the 20 volumes are distributed among the first fifth of this century, the share of each year would be only one diwan.

However, the author had arranged this diwan in a manner different from the previous ones, as he preceded by the dead poets before the living ones and set it out in accordance with the style of past centuries. Then he arranged poetry for each rhyme according to the birth years of the respective poets.

find search Diwan of 'Alurjooza' poems

»Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers: 188-190

Although in his Introduction to Poetry the author had written of "rajz' type of poetry, however he had reverted to it in the foreword of this diwan to explain some points of 'Al-Aurjooza' poem and its relation to 'rajz'. Then he told of its history and characteristics.

However, the author had allotted a sepcial space for 'al-aurjooza' poetry because he did not find it fit to spread it out among the diwan divisions of the centuries. That is because this type of poetry does not go about the same rhyme in the same poem, as the first and the second hemistiches of every verse line fit togther metrically on their own. The author had therefore arranged them in accordance to the demise dates of the respective poets. When it comes to the living ones, he arranged their poems according to their poets' dates of birth.

However, after the foreword, the author inserted the 'al-aurjooza', gave numbers and rubrics to them, put vocalic signs to their verses and again gave numbers to these, and dealt with them the same way he dealt with poetry of diwans of the centuries.

In the conclusion, he had shed light on some examples of such type of poetry, that is due to the artistic illustration it renders, or for their other aspects of literary or artistic importance.

The likelihood that the size of such a diwan becoming big is plausible, because poets here do not confine themselves to writing one or two verses, as the nature of such a type of poetry is known to be of a 'long breath" stretching out to long poems and thus occupying a big space of the diwan.

find search Diwan of the "triple and associates"

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 191

The author first explains that the term 'triple' in this context means that a verse here is made of three hemistiches, thus a poem that contains such verses is to be called a triple-poem. The 'associate' poems are those composed of six hemistiches or more. However, the quadruple poem is abundant which filled in three volumes of this Encyclopedia.

The author wrote in the foreword about the characteristics of this type of poetry and how it was first introduced. He arranged the poems here in accordance to their different rhymes whenever they stand in the same rhyme, which is quite often, otherwise to the rhyme of the first verse found at the second hemistich. Aside from this, the author dealt with this diwan in the same way as with others.

In the end, the author made a quick study of the whole contents of this diwan and of its special features and indicated to the areas of its proliferation and the rank of its poets.

 find search The quadruple diwan

»Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers : 192-194

First, the author explained that he had alloted a whole diwan for this type of poetry because of the abundance of poetry in this style. He referred to some other such types as mentioned below:

The triple, the quintuple, the sextuple, the septuple, the octave, the ninefold and the tenfold; and so on if poems would thus be more likewise diversified and some new type would be available in sufficient quantity of poems, the author would then allot more diwans for them.

The author had arranged the quadruple poetry in the same manner as in the "triple and associates" diwan, and concluded it also in the same way, apart of course from the different features.

find search Diwan of the "triplet and assocaites"

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 195

The author explained in the foreword that the term 'triplet' in this context denotes a poem that contains stanzas, each consisting of three lines of some similar certain features, whose rhyme may also agree in its third line.

As to the 'associates' of the triplet poem, these are the quadruple, the quintuple, the sextuple, the septuple, the octave, the ninefold and so on. These types are similar to the triplet poem in respect to their parts and style, but different in terms of the number of lines in each poem.

The author had arranged this diwan in chapters, each bearing its respective rubric: 'triplet' or 'quadruple', etc. and followed the same manner for it as in other diwans. The verse lines were given numbers in form of groups.

In the end he wrote briefly of the features of this type of poetry.

find search Diwan of "takhmees and assocaites"(*)

»Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers : 196-198

The author mentioned in the foreword that the contents of this diwan are different from those of the "quintuple" in this way that they were actually composed by more than one poet. Here a poet takes each line of verse by another poet and from his own he adds three more hemistiches to each inserting them between the original two, keeping for these three the same rhyme of the first original hemistich.

This type of poem is quite popular. He expalined the different types of "takhmees" other than the said familiar one. Then he wrote of this type of poem and its characteristics and traced its history. Its associates are: "tathleeth", "tarbee'" and "tasdees", and so on, depending on number of hemistiches added.

More than two volumes of this diwan have been allotted to the familiar type of "takhmees", and the tiny third one for the other types i.e. its 'associates'.

As usual, the author dealt with poety here in the same manner as in other diwans.

In the end, the author remarked certain types of poetry and shed light on them in this context.

find search Diwan of multi-rhymes

»Worked in one volume bearing serial numbers : 199

The author edited those poems in a special diwan which could not have been covered by the previous rubrics, and gave them this special denomination.

In the foreword the explained the charactertistics of this kind of poetry which usually keeps one metric foot in the same poem. He also traced the origin and history of this type of poetry.

He arranged this diwan according to the demise dates of the dead poets, and to the birth dates of the living one. He dealt with this type of poetry in the same way as he dealt with other types. He concluded with writing about some interesting specimens of this section.

find search The miscellany diwan

»Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers : 200-202

In this diwan all poetry are gathered which could not come under common headings, whose verses do not agree neither in meter, nor in rhyme, nor in number, but in the will of the poet.

The author had in the foreword elaborated at studying this type of poetry, explaining obscure points and writing of how such kind of poetry is initiated by the poets.

This diwan referred only to the demise dates or birth dates of the poets, otherwise there was no priority in dealing with the poetry itself.

In conclusion the author had hinted at the weakness of poetry inserted in this diwan.

find search Diwan of the unknown

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 203

It may be that the poet is unknown, also his age, which usually leads to his personality remaining obscure. The author has therefore endeavoured, as far as his sources could be of help, to identify, at least the end of age, roughly though, of each poet. He then placed it in the appropriate position in the diwan; and of this he referred in the foreword of the diwan.

This 'Diwan of the unknown' has indeed also dealt with the remainder of poetry whose age the author could not precisely define for lack of proper sources. In the foreword, however, he mentioned the reasons and factors of lack of information, wrote of the litrary value of the 'unknown' poetry and dealt with this poetry in the same way as with the other kinds of poetry.

In the end, the author had individually reviewed some specimens of poetry of this diwan.

find search Diwan of "Al-Hatif" ("the unseen caller")

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 204

The author wrote a long preparatory foreword for this diwan on discerning the significance of this sort of heading, and of the sheer possibility of hearing of poetry without knowing the respective composer. This could possibly be ascribed to an earthly or celestial caller. He discussed political motives for the rising of such type of poetry, and had formed the opinion here that some of this poetry (the politically motivated at least) was anonymously composed due to fear of persecution, just like the case of leaflets disrtributed nowadays with pseudonyms or even carrying no names. He mentiond a group of such type of poetry which was composed both in the days of the great Prophet (PBUH) and prior to him, and also after him. Then he inserted the poems in accordance with rhymes and dealt with them in the same way he dealt with others.

Then he wrote of the literary value of this kind of poetry, of its special features and purpose.

find search The Hussaini poetry - study and appraisement

»Worked in ten volumes bearing serial numbers: 205-214

The author wrote in the foreword about the chronology of the literary studies and their values, then of the methodoloy of evaluation of this huge mass of prosodic verse being composed on Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) only in standard Arabic, let aside other dialects and languages. The author, however, deems his work the least of that which should be performed in this area, because one can hardly exhaust the entirety of this poetry but in an encyclopedia of its own.

The author has studied Hussaini poetry mainly in these realms:

1. The educational aspect in the Hussaini poetry.

2. The political aspect in the Hussaini poetry.

3. The religious aspect in the Hussaini poetry.

4. The nationalistic aspect in the Hussaini poetry.

5. The aspect of peace in the Hussaini poetry.

6. The aspect of allegiance in the Hussaini poetry.

7. (Amatory) Ghazal in the Hussaini poetry.

8. Self-image pride in the Hussaini poetry.

9. War in the Hussaini poetry.

10. Womam in the Hussaini poetry.

11. Child in the Hussaini poetry.

12. Linguistic arts in the Hussaini poetry.

13. Koranic arts in the Hussaini poetry.

14. Artistic depiction in the Hussaini poetry.

And other similar topics.

Then he introduced a study of the geographical distribution of the origins of verse composed on Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) within the framework of standard Arabic of course. In the end he summed up this study into several deductions, for this in order to be easily concepted.

find search Free-verse diwan

»Worked in four volumes bearing serial numbers: 215-218

It is to be said here that one cannot predict the future size of this diwan because it is quite extendible, as it may stretch to fivefold its present size being only four volumes.

The author has hereby examined the substance of free-verse, as to whether it is of the 'regulated' type or something else. Although he referred to it in the Introduction to the poetry of standard Arabic, yet he handled it from some other aspects such as the characteristics of this type of poetry with a discussion on its substance - as to whether it is verse, prose or something in between them.

The diwan contains poems of such free-verse or a part of a poem if the whole is not especially on Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and his Cause. He arranged the poems according to the historical order. He explained the obscure wordings and pointed out to whether free-verse still show some features of the prosodic poetry such as meter, rhyme and others.

In the end he quoted some socially exciting examples of this type of poetry with due commentary.

find search Diwan of theatrical poetry

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 219

Some poets have composed Hussaini poetry also for the theatre. They mixed prosodic poetry with free-verse, and had actually applied their own style in that area which gave it a shade of its own.

In the foreword of this diwan the author explained this style, its beginning, purpose and how to deal with it.

In the diwan the author listed poems of different lengths in according to historical order in the same way as in the prosodic poetry and free-verse, each according to what need may be.

find search Lexicon of poets composing on Al-Hussain (prosodic Arabic poetry)

»Worked in forty-four volumes bearing serial numbers : 220-263

This section covers biographies of those poets of Imam Al-Hussain who wrote poetry about him, his family and partisans, or on his revered uprising even by short pieces. The section pertains to poetry composed in Arabic and by prosody, both by rhyme-scheme or in free style. The author has actually worked other lexicons for composers of non-Arabic verse or by Arabic dialects or other dialects.

In the foreword the author has after the preparation discussed these topics:

* Poetry and poets.

* Ranks of poets.

* Poetry and recitation.

* Composer and poet.

* Translation - definition and history.

* The lexicon - definition and history.

* This lexicon.

* For every fine horse, (there is) a fall.

* At long last.

* Poets under study.

The author had arranged the contents of this lexicon in accordance to alphabetic order. The already published first volume, for instance, consisted of 44 poets. Ten pages for his non-religious verse of different themes were allotted for every poet. The author had overlooked eulogistic poetry and obloquy poetry, but that in the praise of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams (PBUT), yet he won't miss other topics.

In the end he allotted a volume of which he promised in the preparatory foreword for comparing Hussaini poets amongst themselves on the one hand and with non-Hussaini poets on the other with some viewing on them.

This work however has not yet been completed due to existing shortages which the author expects to meet by acquiring pieces of information on the respective poets, specailly the obscure ones.

However, this section will not be terminated at this limit, but will probably exceed the forty-four volumes, because we are at the threshold of the third decade of the fifteenth century (of Hijra, and the journey is still long.

find search Lexicon of Hussaini works

»Worked in twenty-nine volumes bearing serial numbers : 264-292

Writing about Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and his exalted family, his noble partisans and his uprising is in fact taking up three areas of this Encyclopedia.

First: Whole works which run along definite themes.These were nicknamed "The lexion of Hussaini Books".

Second: Articles which were published in newspapers and magazines, or printed in form of bulletins. These wee nicknamed "Lexion of Hussaini Articles".

Third: Books which collect their material from other books. These were nicknamed : "The lexion of Hussaini Writings".

The first volume of the first catagory i.e."The lexion of Hussaini Books" was already published whose preparatory forward consisted of the following topics:

1. The preface.

2. Of writing.

3. History of wriring.

4. Penmanship and calligraphy.

5. Paper, its ingredients, industry, dimensions and types.

6. Of the book.

7. Authorship.

8. Printing and allied arts and crafts.

9. Of library.

10. Study of books.

11. The lexion.

12. Our work in this lexion.

13. Termination.

This lexion has consisted of 165 works. The author gives serial numbers to the books. He indicates to the triple name of the author, date of his demise, or the present century if he is still alive, also the theme of the book and its language, its size and number of pages, number of its chapters, date of publication, number of editions and name of publisher, with some other relative details.

The author then makes some comments if need be.

He allots a part of the last volume for explaining the role of the book in promotion of culture and other causes.

The titles available with the author dealing with Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) top some 8900 ones so far.

This section does not seem to be coming to an end, because from time to time old books are being discovered or new books are printed on Al-Hussain and his Cause.

find search Lexion of Hussaini authors

»Worked in twenty-two volumes bearing serial numbers : 293-314

The author deals in this section with biographies of all authors listed in the afore-mentioned Lexicon of books, and also of all those who had translated a Hussaini-theme book from one language to another. The author writes here a foreword for this section drawing points on the benefit of such biographies, being short ones, not exceeding one page each, though. Such biographies however are usually confined to the authorship and literary details of the respective authors, which do not exceed essential points, plus some other necessary ones.

In the end he draws points on the writing style of the author and of his theme speciality and the like.

Every volume of this lexicon consists of 350 biographies, That is beside the first volume which contains the preparatory foreword and also the last one which contains the conclusion. The author endeavours here to insert, as far as possible, the number of books of the subject author and their kinds.

find search Lexion of Hussaini articles

»Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 315-316

Articles written and published on Imam Al-Hussain are a great many, and so the author was not able to detect them all, but could gather only those which so far he could come across. These which he put in two volumes are not confined to Arabic, but were written in many other languages covering many aspects of Imam-Al-Hussain's (PBUH) personality and also of his cause and thought. The author believes that the colletion in this instance cannot exceed 5% of the potential total of Hussaini articles, meaning that the number of volumes will probably top forty.

The author explains in this section the significance of the article, its synonyms and limitations. Then he briefly described the magazines mentioned in each volume, and also the dates of printing them.

Of these articles the author had in this lexicon edited two lines in the upper text and one line on the margin for each article. In the upper text he mentioned the heading of the article, its author's language, subject-matter, country of origin, page in the magazine where it was printed. In the margin he referred to details of the source, i.e. issue and page numbers, place and dates of publication.

In the conclusion of this section the author made a table of numbers, files and other pieces of information relating to his collection.

He also wrote of the newspapers referred to in the volumes of this lexicon.

find search Biographies of the authors of Hussaini articles

»Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 317-318

The number of volumes in this section actually equals the number of the lexicon of Hussaini articles. The author wrote also a two-line biographies of each author in the same way that he described each article in two lines - thus coming to have just two volumes available for this section. However, as the author thinks of a percentage of some 95% not yet covered, he therefore expects the volumes of this section to textend to some forty as well, inshalla, God willing.

As usual the author wrote a foreword for this section stressing the importance of getting acquainted with the authors of the articles without getting involved in too many personal details about them. That is for more than one reason, for instance because many of them did receive own biographyies in other sections. Second, what matters here is to show, after details of the person, the literary rank of the authors of the articles. The two-line biography can cover these two areas through stating the author's triple name, native country and any other particulars if available.

In the end, the author made a table of respective mens-of-letters, their countries of origin and special individual roles.

find search Lexion of Hussaini writings

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial number : 319

This is a thorny area which the author so far has handled cautiously, and so he deferred serious work on it until such a time when he can find a suitable opportunity to deal with it more thoroughly.

Meanwhile you can hardly come across an Islamic book of history, Islamic jurisprudence, Prophet's hadiths (tradition), political topics or supplications and the like without allusion to Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH), his revered uprising or whatever is related to them up to our this day. However, the author was able to collect materials only for one volume, but he is certain that it will hit the limit of some ten volumes or even much more. Comparing it with Lexicon of Books where each page contains headings only for two books, we find that the author has here left out the tables which he made for the former. The size of this book will therefore at least reach half that lexicon, although it is known that this kind of litrary work usually is more abundant.

This volume starts off with a foreword on the personal characteristics of Imam Al-Hussain and the purpose of dealing with them amongst Hussaini books in general.

Then the author ended up drawing what could be described as an overall resume on all its contents as shown in the tables with some other relevant details.

find search Lexion of Hussaini writers

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 320

The author seems to have thought of setting a balance between the two lexicons - of Hussaini writings and that of their writers - and so he saw to it that the space of biography for each writer need not exceed half a page, but for necessity, which was the same method as applied in the two lexicons of the Hussaini Authors and that of the Hussaini writings.

The reader might remark that there are some repetitions in this Lexicon of some items contained in the Lexicon of the Hussaini Author. Here the author mentioned such specific repetitions and referred the reader to the original source by indicating the triple name of the author, the date of his demise if dead, or of his birthday if still alive, for the repetitions to be avoided.

The author started this Lexicon with a suitable foreword and ended it up with a conclusion as usual. In the foreword he stressed the necessity of collecting small pieces of information as well, verifying them and appreciating their authors' work. The simplist way to do so is to acknowledge them through writing biographies for them, which is the subject-matter of this lexicon.

Besides, the author prepared in the conclusion a table of the respective authors' particulars in respect to their native languages and geographic identities.

find search The Hussaini ceremonies, life-story and tenets

»Worked in ten volumes bearing serial numbers:321-330

The author has explained in the foreword with elabortion the significance of "ceremony", and also indicated the purpose of this section and the method of work.

The book has been put into a number of chapters:

1. Introduction of Hussaini ceremonies.

2. "Aashoora" holiday.

3. Ceremonies and their effects.

4. Elements of ceremonies and their history.

5. The geography of ceremonies.

6. The legitimacy of ceremonies.

7. The "fatwas" (edicts of the scholars on ceremonies) and debating them.

8. Hussaini gatherings and processions.

9. Persecution of the ceremonies.

10. Discussions on developing the ceremonies and the call for reforming them.

11. The "theatre" and its history.

12. Fashions applied in the ceremonies.

13. Ceremonial affairs and events.

14. Truth on "prodigies" involving ceremonies.

The author has then outlined in the conclusion how he thought of the future of the Hussaini ceremonies and of the way of practicing them in the time to come.

find search Lexion of Hussaini endowments

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 331

The author has so far collected material sufficient to fill one volume of this book. However due to his further investigations he thinks this work will probably cover more than ten volumes in future.

In the beginning of this volume the author had studied the subject if "religious endowment", its history, legitmacy, types and usefulnesses.

The author had studied in this book all endowments relating to Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH), his blest uprising, his revered family and noble partisans in respect to their musoleums, practice of cerenomies around them, paying zyara-visits to them and so on. He tried to locate every endowment, its limits, its endower and purpose and if possible the text of the endowment document.

In the end, the author made known of his opinion that the Hussaini endowments should be taken more care of in a proper manner, (more so since some of their valuables were robbed), and also to benefit from them in accordance with respective conditions of the endowments, and of like matters.

As said, this section is open to increase, however the author had not studied all available sources yet, first because he waits for the convenient opportunity, second he is hopeful of more co-operation on this matter on the part of the concerned institutions and keepers of the endowments for their families.

find search Lexicon of Hussaini projects

»Worked in seven volumes bearing serial numbers: 332-338

The author had set about in this book writing down details about those projects which might come under this heading, all through social, cultural, scientific and political nominations - in short all what bear the name of the Imam whether personally or names of his revered family members, noble partisans or his sacred city, Karbala, being his resting place. In that way, the book has covered scientific institutes, health centres, city districts and streets, organizations, parties, sects, Hussaini mosques, common mosques, publishing houses, and so on and so forth. He then indicated to the histories of such nominations, their different localities and other details about them.

He authored the book in more than twenty chapters which he edited under a few catagories, each chapter arranged according to alphabetic order. In the end he pointed out the signficance of this abundance of names and their effect on society.

It is without doubt that the actual size of this section still remains within the limit of a tenth of its potential, however the author has actually not concentrated on this area at present, lest other more impoprtant areas Might not be dealt with properly.

The author believes the size of this section would amount to some seventy volumes in case he would be free to carry on the work on it. However, meanwhile he allotted a space of only one page for each entry.

find search The jurisprudence of the Hussaini uprising

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number : 339

This section covers a collection of jurisprudential tracts relating to Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) as a large domain. It deals with him in concise form of Sharia (Islamic law) verdict complying with the author's viewpoint. Such tracts however are not a subject to diverse views amongst jurisprudists, anyway.

In the begining of this section, the author defined the perception of jurisprudence which is one of particularities of the Islamic faith in terms of it giving ruling on all aspects of life. He then explained how to deal with Sharia matters.

In the book, the author detailed these jurisprudential tracts in respective chapters. Among them are the Hussaini endowments, matters relating to the Hussaini shrine, and some other actions, both obligatory and desirable ones, matters of Hussaini ceromonies and matters of religious vows and the like.

The author alluded to the source of every verdict, and in the end he stressed the importance of indicating to these Sharia tracts for which he has in fact not allotted a special book, while a large section of those who do love Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) are in fact often concerned with them.

find search The lexicon of Hussaini public speakers

»Worked in twenty volumes bearing serial numbers: 340-359

The author first made a distinction between the Hussaini public speaker and the "radood", the so-called in the Iraqian dialect for the "reciter" of Hussaini elegies. For each he worked a special lexicon with ample commentaries in the forewords.

The foreword of this lexicon consists of:

1. Preparatory word.

2. The art of public speaking.

3. The podium.

4. History of public speaking.

5. Public speaking in Islam.

6. Hussaini public speaking and its stages of development - the first stage, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, and the seventh which is the future stage.

7. Sophistication in public speaking.

8. Responsibility of the speaker.

9. Speaker's position.

10. Erudition and public speaking.

11. The Hussaini speaker.

12. The speaker's fashion.

13. Viewpoints about public speaking and speakers.

14. Reviving the Hussaini conventions.

15. Ranks of speakers.

16. This lexicon.

The author arranged the main materials of this lexicon by alphabetic order. He did not exceed a space of one page for the biography of each speaker, except in case the speaker is eminent, which the author confined to Hussaini-speaking biography of the speakers.

The first volume (published) consists of one hundred and eight speakers which ended up at the word "Ahmed" which started with Arabic letter "Khaa" of paternal name. The first two volumes coverd only letter "Alif".

The reason why these volumes became so many is the very multitude of Hussaini speakers. That is also due to strenuous efforts in this area to uncover names which until then were obscure. The afore-mentioned number of speakers is the one so far became available with the author.

The author indicated in the conclusion to the ranks of speakers, their geographical locations, languages, oratorical styles and the like, and worked a study on these matters.

find search Lexicon of "radoods" - reciters

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial number : 360

This section covers the terminology of radood's career in the Iraqi dialect. This traditional reciter is the one who declaims poetry in a certain known melody and style for the purpose of adminstrating the Hussaini processions and participation in them. In Persian this Hussaini reciter is called "maddah" (eulogy-sayer) and in Ordu called "thakir" (prayer-sayer).

The size of this lexicon is supposed to be bigger, however the author has not concentrated his efforts on this area, for the time being at least. He will nevertheless endeavour in the service of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and at the first available opportunity to get hold of names and biographies of as many such radoods as possible, inshalla - God willing.

The author however was able to complete the work of one volume in this area so far. In the foreword he wrote of these "radoods" recorded in several languages and of their roles and positions in history and of the dates when one commenced to use this term.

The author arranged the names of radoods by alphabetic order, and as in the case of the speaker's lexicon he did not exceed one page for each one.

In the conclusion, the author mentioned that these radoods are of various ranks and their social positions are different from one society to another.

find search Lights upon the city of Al-Hussain

»Worked in twenty-three volumes bearing serial numbers : 361-383

The author proceeded here with a foreword on the city of Karbala and its bonds with Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and how it developed throughout history ever since it became the Imam's resting-place.

The author made brief accounts of topics of this book and omitted to elaborate on details. He worked this book in the following chapters:

1. Karbala's proper name and other nominations by which this city has been called, with related debate.

2. The history of Karbala before and after Attaff-battle - put in chronological order.

3. The geography of Karbala.

4. Administration of Karbala.

5. Architecture of Karbala.

6. Tourism in Karbala.

7. Karbala - irrigation and agriculture.

8. Karbala - industry and commerce.

9. Social conditions - in two parts.

10. Intelectual revival.

11. Political movement.

12. The scholarly revival.

14. The litrary revival.

When dealing with the social conditions of the city, the author wrote, for instance, on Karbala society and of the nationalities which it consists of, and of their languages customs and traditions prevailing there, of religious practices, ceremonies, gatherings, fashions and various other activities. In the second part, he wrote of Karbala families and clans, with biographies of the city's elite.

Dealing with the revival movement of erudition, the author wrote about two areas:

First: The movement in general.

Second: Biographies of scholars, jurisprudists, physicians and others.

In the conclusion, the author wrote on the talents and potentialities of this city.

find search The spiritually guided ones

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial numbers : 384

The author first dealt with ways of sound sight and spiritual guidance with an emphasis on guidance being not coming out of vacuum.

The author collected in this book relations on all occasions in which Imam Al-Hussain had a role in guiding others, whether directly or due to his attitudes, counsels and principles. Needless to say the author's method is documentary. He has endeavoured his best to exaplain relative circumstances of the narratives as well as the dates and of unclear pieces of information on this topic.

In the conclusion he made a special reference to examples of those who benefitted from his guidance and to the manner and ways of how this happened.

find search Oversights

»Worked in one volume bearing serial numbers: 385

In the foreword the author first cited that for every horse there is a trip, and for every sword, a slip. However, repetition of errors or persistence in them is an unforgivable sin, because an errar of a scholar is more harmful than that of a layman. Then he had explained different aspects of oversights.

In the context of this book, the author pointed out oversights made by authors and those who had researched into the areas concerning Imam Al-Hussain or into the orbit of his blest family set or the that of his partisans, or some other aspects of his uprising and like matters, and he made critiques of their errors.

In the end he made distinctions between those different errors and referred to their backgrounds; as to the practices of the progeny he also blamed their ancestry, for the guilt of these was bigger.

find search Lexicon of those named after Al-Hussain

»Worked in four volumes bearing serial numbers: 386-389

The author first wrote on name-giving and whether personal names have any character relation with respective persons or with the invisible world. He wrote of the word Al-Hussain and its significance, history and its origin, pointing out that Imam Al-Hussain was the first one who was named on Earth from the part of Heaven, as related by some hadiths (traditon). He also mentioned the motives why the Umma (nation) wishes to give this name to their offsprings.

The author made a research in this lexicon on a great multitude of social, political, cultural, artistic and scholarly personalities who were named after Al-Hussain in a single or compound forms. He made a two-line biography of each of them. Although he had never penetrated too deep into the great hosts of registers, however he could that far collect materials to fill four volumes. Yet, he can expect them to come up to ten in case he will be able to carry on this work in the nearest available opportunity.

In the end he classified the names and reviewed due deductions.

find search Al-Hussain as the inspirer of artistic and designing excellence

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial number : 390

In the foreword the author wrote of art, its types, methods and effects. Then he elaborated on paintings and mentioned some aspects related to this topic. In the texts of the book, he wrote of images related to Imam Al-Hussain as an individual, an uprising and an expansion. He made a statistic of rare objects and tableaus worked on this theme, verified them, their authors and histories.

He worked two theses, one on the shrines of Imam Al-Hussain and his brother Abul-Fadhl Al-Abbas (PBUT), and the other one on Karbala, the city of Al-Hussain, first with what is due to be said on this personality, and also with respect to the rise of visitors of the city with what can stimulate the harmonization of the old and the modern from the aspects of heritage and the need.

The author has in the end appealed to the international institutions to help in recovering all what was plundered of the heritage of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and his vast surroundings.

find search From the inspiration of the Hussaini uprising

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 391

The author started in this book in writing about the history of social customs and traditions and how they first came about. Then he debated their legitimacy or otherwise, and wrote of their usefulnesses and how to benefit from them.

In the texts of the book, the author reverted to those customs and traditions which touch the circle of Imam Al-Hussian (PBUH). He arranged them according to alphabetic order and dealt with them like any other historical text, which he verified and uncovered the obscure parts of them. He explained their backgrounds, historical origins and geographical locations. In the end he referred to the message which these customs and traditions carried on for the society of the faithful.

find search Al-Hussain in the folklore heritage

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial number : 392

Peoples' heritages are the mirrors of their particular cultures. Since the message of Imam Al-Hussain's cause is of a universal significance, different peoples have looked at it as a beacon of guidance in their own lives. The memory of Al-Hussain's story and the love of him that it has evoked have penetrated deep into the hearts of peoples around the world and has taken the forms of various appearances.

In the foreword, the author wrote of poeples' heritages, how they deal with them and linked it with the Hussaini cause which has ever since become a part of the human heritage.

In the book, the author had indicated to some examples with commentary that amply corresponds to the Encyclopedia being comprehensive of the Hussaini story.

In the end, the author did not fail to mention the present-time advance in the means of communications and hence the interchange of cultural influences among nations which have taken the place of much of popular heritages. He also lamented politics and personal motives which all have played a big role in the shrinking of practice in much of folklore heritages.

find search Introduction to vernacular poetry

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial number : 393

If the standard-Arabic poetry needs to be treated with an introduction, then poetry in local dialects needs more of it.

In the foreword, the author wrote of the substance of vernacular poetry, its realm and variety. In this section, the author wrote on the following topics:

1. Dialects - their origin and history.

2. Semitic languages and their affiliates.

3. Alphabets of dialects - their equivalents and origins.

4. The literature of dialects.

5. Vernacular poetry - its history and components.

6. Metric feet of vernacular poetry.

7. Types of vernacular poetry.

8. Work on diwans (anthologies) of vernacular poetry.

The auhtor has generally surveyed the methology of the vernacular poetry, categorized it according to its types and meters, with a special heading for each, as it will follow. For example, he dubbed them: "Abuthiya" diwan, "Mawwal" diwan, "Murabba'" diwan, and so on. In the diwan, the author dealt with vernacular poetry in the same manner as with the standard-Arabic poetry. Besides, he traced the vernacular vocabulary back to its standard roots, both the modified ones and those of foreign roots.

find search Diwan of "Abuthiya"

»Worked in eleven volumes bearing serial numbers : 394-404

In the foreword, the author wrote on the following topics:

1. Substance of "Abuthiya"

2. The geographical area.

3. The structure of "abuthiya" poetry.

4. The phrasing.

5. The meter of "abuthiya".

6. Types of "abuthiya".

7. Rules and exceptions.

8. The pun (playing with two words of similar sound but of different meanings).

9. Texts of "abuthiya" by old-time poets.

10. Of this diwan in which the author wrote of the methodology of work in this section.

11. The conclusion.

In the diwan: The first volume consisted of rhymes of letters 'hamza' up to 'kha'. The second volume consisted of rhymes of letters 'daal' up to 'raa'. The third volume consisted of rhymes of letters 'zay' up to 'kaaf'. The fourth volume consisted of the rhyme of letter 'laam'. The fifth volume consisted of the rhyme of letter 'meem'. The sixth volume consisted of a part of the rhyme of letter 'noon'. The seventh volume consisted of the rest the rhyme of letter "noon". The eighth volume consisted of rhymes of letters 'haa' up to "yaa'. The ninth and tenth volumes consisted of an additional material missed in the previous ones; these are also arranged according to their respective rhymes. The eleventh volume was spared for a comprehensive study of "abuthiya" contents of the said ten volumes, which drew up the conclusion of this section.

Needless to say that the achievements of this diwan and the following ones won't be the final limits of this realm which will remain open to multiplication and expansion.

find search Diwan of "al-mawwal" ("az-zihairi")

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial number : 405

In the foreword, the author wrote on the following topics:

1. Of "mawwal" poetry.

2. Opinions and theories on "Mawwal", its meter and history.

3. Commentaries.

4. "Mawwal" and its "peers".

5. Old texts.

6. The geography of "mawwal".

7. "Mawwal" and singing.

8. The purpose of "Mawwal" and its uses.

9. The structure of "mawwal".

10. The meter of "mawwal", its "zuhaaf" (change in meter of verse) and verse components.

11. Types of "mawwal".

12. Of this diwan. The author wrote of his methodology of work.

This diwan consisted of 138 poems of all rhymes of "hamza" up to "yaa'" letters.

The conclusion consisted of the following:

1. A resume on the whole contents of the diwan.

2. On estimation of what has been composed on Imam Al-Hussain.

3. On comparison of what has been composed on Imam Al-Hussain with other poetry.

In the foreword the author wrote of different matters relating to this theme - of purposes, motives, types and uses of poetry.

find search Diwan of "as-saree'"

»Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers : 406-407

In the foreword, the author made a research with analysis on the following topics:

1. On the name of this diwan.

2. "As-saree'" (the swift) - its meter.

3. "As-saree'" - its type.

4. "Al-Murabba'" (the quarduple).

5. Types of "Al-Murabba'" in standard-Arabic poetry.

6. Types of "Al-Murabba'" in vernacular poetry.

7. History of "as-saree'".

8. Rhyme of "as-saree'".

9. Poem of "as-saree'".

10. Types of "as-saree'".

11. Value and purposes of "as-saree'".

12. Origin of "as-saree'".

13. Singing to "as-saree'".

14. Type of "as-saree'" meter used in standard-Arabic poetry.

15. Of this diwan. The author explained how he dealt with this diwan.

The first volume of this diwan consisted of all rhymes of letters "hamza" up to "yaa'", that is thirty-one rhymes. The number of poems amounted to 79. The second volume consisted of a collection of vernacular poems re-composed in standard Arabic.

In the conclusion, the author made a commentary on the Hussaini poetry of this diwan in comparison with other poetry.

find search Diwan of "al-muwash-shah"

 »Worked in five volumes bearing serial numbers: 408-412

As usual, the author explained in the foreword this epithet dubbed to this diwan and indicated to the substance, roots, origins and meters, and also to points involving it which can enhance understanding of this type of poetry. Its original meter is 'raml" (fa'ilaatun fa'ilaatun fa'ilatu), however ommission had intervened in its last declension which it rendered as "fa'ilun". One line of verse contains here four hemistiches.

This diwan contains of two chapters:

The first: Pure "muwash-shah" poetry, (not following one same rhyme).

The second: "Muwash-shah" two-hemistich verse line poetry although starting off with different ryhmes.

In the conclusion, the author made a study of "muwash-shah" poetry, and reviewed some specimens of it.

find search Diwan of "al-hijri"

»Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 413-414

The author started in the foreword to mentioen the reason of selecting this epithet for it, the substance of this diwan and its meter. It has four hemistiches. Its original rhythm is the quaruple "raml", however ommission has intervened in the last declension which it rendered as 'fa'ilaat'. Then he put down the Hussaini poetry which takes up two chapters as in the case of diwan of "al-muwash-shah"

The conclusion was spared for the study of Hussaini Al-Hijri poetry.

This diwan is open to increase.

find search Diwan of "ash-shee'ati"

»Worked in seven volumes bearing serial numbers: 415-421

This is one of the types of vernacular poepty attributed to Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH), like:

Won't you bear me in your mind, O my folk,

whenever you drink it - sweet and tasty?

I am the one who, together with dear ones,

were at Kerbela slaughtered naked and thirsty.

Poets had composed to this rhythm which is split "raml", however the rhythm of this type should be quadrduple "raml" of complete declension. A verse line here comprises four hemistiches.

In the foreword of this diwan, the author wrote on why this epithet had been selected for it, on its substance, history and meter.

The diwan comprises two parts:

The first: Material of pure meter.

The second: Material of mixed meters in some poems, however their two-hemistich verse line remains of "ash-shee'ati" type.

In the conclusion, the author made an estimation of the contents of these seven volumes. The diwan is open to increase.

find search Diwan of "maymer"

»Worked in five volumes bearing serial numbers: 422-426

In the forword, the author wrote in different ways of this type of poetry. Then, just like other diwans he put this one in two chapters. He pointed out that the rythm of this diwan is "rajz" (mustaf'ilun mustaf'ilun, mustaf'ilu), however the third declension became abridged to "maf'oolun". Its verse line is quadruple.

In the conclusion, the author made a study of its part of Hussaini poetry and expected its volumes to increase.

find search Diwan of "mejresheh"

»Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 427-428

This diwan is worked in four parts:

The first: The foreword

The second: Hussaini poetry related to this diwan.

The third: Hussaini poetry whose two-hemistich verse line is of this rhythm.

The fourth: The conclusion.

The author wrote of the meter of this type of poetry and mentioned that it was of quadruple "rajz", however the fourth declension is rendered split. It is similar to "maymer" type, but is a quadruple type, beside some other particularities of it. Its verse line is of quadruple hetistiches.

It is also open to increase.

find search Diwan of "al-mutaraadif"

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial numbers: 429

This diwan is of little difference from the previous type in respect to the foreword, substance, conclusion and declensions. However the last declension lost the vowel on the last letter and so became "maf'oolan". It is also open to increase.

find search Diwan of "al-munsejim"

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial number: 430

This diwan is simialr to those of "mejresheh and "al-mutaraadif" in many ways. Method of work is the same. Its rhythm is also the same. However the last declension took up a declension of "fa'il". it is also quadruple. This diwan is also open to increase.

find search Diwan of "al-hedy"

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial number: 431

This diwan is in fact of the split "rajz". Its rhythm is "mustaf'alan mustaf'alan". As to the method of work, it makes no difference from the previous ones. It is also open to increase.

find search Diwan of "ad-darmi"

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial number: 432

This "ad-darmi" diwan makes no difference from others in respect to the method of work and style. The poetry of this diwan is put in one part. It is a branch of "al-bahr al-khafeef" rhythm (fa'ilaatun mustaf'ilun fa'ilaatun) but in reverse; that is due to the intervention of "fa'ilaatun" between the two declensions of "mustaf'ilun", however "fa'ilaatun" was subject to abridgement and so it bcame "fa'laan". the last one was also subject to prolongation and so it became "mustaf'ilatun". This type of poetry is dubbed "gazal-albanaat' (girly flirtation).

This diwan is also open to increase.

find search Diwan of "an-nasari"

»Worked in five volumes bearing serial numbers : 433-437

In the foreword the author wrote of how this epithet was selected for this diwan and of its history and affinity, and also of its rhythm which is complete "hajz" (mafa'ilun mafa'ilun mafa'ilun), however omission had intervened in the last deflection and it so became "fa'aulun. It is of quadruple-hemistich type.

This diwan had been put in two parts. The conclusion was spared for study and estimation. It is open to increase.

find search Diwan of "at-tajleebeh"

»Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers: 438-440

This diwan consists of the foreword and the conclusion. The purpose of both is self-explanatory. The author put it also in two parts and pointed out its rhythm as being of complete "hazj" (mafa'ilun mefa'ilun mafa'ilun), which is usually not used in standard-Arabic poetry, nor in quadruple vernacular. This diwan is also open to increase.

find search Diwan of "al-bahr at-taweel"

»Worked in six volumes bearing serial numbers: 441-446

This diwan is in fact of quadruple "at-tajleebeh" (hazj) rhythm which contains three declensions (of mafa'ilun) while "al-bahr at-taweel" rhytm of this diwan contains four declensions. The "qaseer" (short) rhythm to come is of split (hazj) which is quite different from "al-bahr at-taweel" in standard Arabic poetry as to number of its hemistiches and meter, because "al-bahr at-taweel" consists of four hetistiches.

As to the method of work, style and arrangement, these are conducted as usual. The volumes are open to increase.

find search Diwan of "al-mihdaad"

»Worked in five volumes bearing serial numbers: 447-451

This book consists of the foreword, the text of the diwan and the conclusion. The poems here are lined up in one formation. This diwan is put in one chapter.

The method of work here makes no difference from the previous books, however, this diwan is of split "baseet" in which omission intervened so as to render it of "mustaf'ilun, fa'ilun, fa'il". The verse line here consists of one hemistich. This diwan is opon to increase.

find search Diwan of "al-fa'izi"

»Worked in five volumes bearing serial numbers: 452-456

The first volume consists of the foreword whereby the author wrote of the substance of this diwan, its affinity, its initiator and history, and so on. He dealt with its poetry in the same manner as in the previous diwans from the aspects of study and estimation. Its rhythm is quadruple "rajz", and its verse line consists of four hemistiches. However the third and the fourth declensions were subject to "restrain" and "notching" so that the former became "fa'lun', and the latter became "fa'aulun'. This diwan is open to increase.

find search Diwan of "al-hssainawi"

»Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 457-458

This diwan is put in two parts:

The first: Of pure "al-hussainawi" poetry.

The second: Of a mixture, not at random but with a good taste of choice.

The author has as usual worked a foreword and a conclusion for it, and followed the normal method in dealing with it as in previous diwans. The rhythm of this type of poetry is "mutadaarak" (fa'ilun fa'ilun fa'ilun fa'ilun), however the second and fourth declensions were subject to "notching" so as to become "fa'il". This diwan is also open to incraase.

find search Diwan of "ich-chilme w-nuss"

»Worked in one volumes bearing serial number: 459

In the foreword of this diwan of "ich-chilme w-nuss" (one word and a half), the author wrote of different points on this poetry.

This diwan is worked in one part, with which the author dealt in the same manner as with previous ones of Hussaini poetry. This is also true of the conclusion.

The rhythm of this diwan is split "rajz" (mustaf'alun mustaf'alun), with its second declension being prolongated so as to become "mustaf'alaatun". Its structure is quarduple, and it is open to increase.

It is to be mentioned here that from this style of "ich-chilme w-nuss" verses, other styles branched off like "Al-hadiy", "Al-shayyale" and "Al-muthayyal" which each became a staple of its own.

find search Diwan of "Al'aqili"

»Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers: 460-462

Just like other diwans, there are here foreword, poetry and conclusion. Its rhythm comes from "al-mutadaarak" (fa'ilun fa'ilun fa'ilun), however its declensions are shortended to "fa'lun". It is of quadrupl hetistiches, and it also open to increase.

find search Diwan of "Al'mulamma'"

»Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers: 463-465

Although this diwan took up a large space, however it does not confine itself to one rhythm or one meter, and so it deserves its name of "al-mulamma" (miscellaneous). The author dealt with it in the same manner as with previous ones in working a foreword and a conclusion for it.

find search Diwan of "Ar'rukbani wa-nnaayil"

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 466

Here the author had merged two styles of verses in one diwan, however he allotted a special section for each. He put up three chapters for each section:

The first: The foreword.

The second: The poetry.

The third : The conclusion.

"Ar-rukbani" poetry occupied the first section. It is some sort of an offspring of "al-bahr al-khafeef" or "Al-mujtath" rhythms because it is composed of three declensions: the first and the second "mustaf'ilun", and the third "fa'ilaatun". It is of quarduple hemistiches.

"An-naayil" took up the second section. Its rhythm is of "basseett" which is "mustaf'ilun fa'ilun mustaf'ilun fa'ilun".

The reason why these two styles of verses were merged is that this diwan could not be raised up by either on its own. Both sections are open to increase.

find search Diwan of "the variety"

»Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers: 467-469

There are some twenty types of vernacular poetry which are not individually voluminous enough to occupy a diwan of its own, not for the time being at least. That is due to the fact that composition by this rhythm is rather little, which situation might change in future.

Because of a multitude of ryhtms and meters here, this diwan has been put up in twenty sectins. The first section contained the following ryhthms:

1. "Arraml" which, beside the foreword and the conclusion, represents about half of the diwan. It takes the same rhythm of "bahr-arraml" in standard-Arabic poetry (i.e. fa'ilaatun fa'ilaatun fa'ilun).

2. "Ash-shabkaha" which takes up one fifth of the diwan, with its rhythm being split "arraml" in standard-Arabic poetry (i.e. fa'ilaatun fa'ilaatun). The rest will complete the diwan.

3. "Aj-jaaberi" which is of "rajz" rhythm in standard-Arabic poetry (i.e. mustaf'ilun mustaf'ilun mustaf'ilun).

4. "Al-aslam" which is of "rajz", with its third declension shortened to "fa'uln".

5. "Innaa fatahnaa" which is a bridge between quarduple "rajz" and rapid "rajz" rhythms. Its ryhthm is "mustaf'ilun faa'ilun fa'uln fa'oolun".

6. "Al-maqttooa" which is a type of split "as-saree'". Its ryhthm is "mustaf'ilun fa'iln".

Each of these six parts has four chapters: the foreword, two chapters on poetry and the conclusion.

The second section of this diwan contains the followig rhythms:

7. "Al-qassir" which is of split "as-sareea'" as being used in standard-Arabic poetry. Its declensions are "mafaa'ilun mafaa'ilun".

8. "Al-'ataaba" which is complete "hazj", with its third declension shortened to "fa'ool".

9. "Al-hujaini" which is an independent ryhthm sprung from complete "hajz", with its first, second and third declensions changed to "mustaf'ilun fa'ilun, fa'laan".

10. "Aj-jash'ami" which of flapped "mutadaarak", with intervention of quasi-tailing. Its declensions are "fa'alun fa'alun fa'alun maf'oolun."

11. "Al-muthakkal" which is slpit "rajz" whose first declension change to "maf'oolaan" and the second changed to "mustaf'alaan".

12. "Al-mutaqaarib" whose rhythm is the same of that in standard Arabic poetry which is "fa'oolun fa'oolun fa'oolun fa'oolun", however the last declension shortened to "fa'ool".

13. "Al-maftoon" which is a type of quadruple "rajz" whose second declension changed to "maf'oolaan" and the fourth changed to "maf'oolun".

Except for "Al-hujaini", the rest of types are of average rates.

The third section contains the following types:

14. "At-tardi" which is a mixture of "rajz" and hajz", whose second declension changed to "fa'alaan", the fourth changed to 'fa'il". The first and the third remain unchanged. The outcome is "mustaf'ilun fa'alaan mustfa'ilun fa'il".

15. "Al'humoolah" is an independent rhythm sprung from the quadruple "al-munsareh" rhythm (i.e. mustaf'ilun maf'oolaan, mustaf'ilun maf'oolaan), whose all declensions changed to "fa'alun maf'oolaan maf'oolun fa'ilun".

16. "Yas-saafaret" which is similar to At-tardi" however whose declensions changed to "mustaf'ilun maf'oolaan mustaf'ilun fa'ilun".

17. "Algasseed" which is of "arraml" rhythm whose second declension changed to "fa'oolun, and the third to "fa'iln".

18. "Ash-shayyalah" which is of the quarduple "rajz" (i.e. mustaf'ilun mustaf'ilun mustaf'ilun mustaf'ilun) whose first and the third declension chagned to "maf'oolun".

19. "Ash-shumoos" which is of "raml" rhythm (i.e. faa'ilaatun faa'ilaatun faa'ilaatun faa'ilaatun) whose third declension shortened to "faa'iln", and the fourth to "fa'laan".

20. "Al-housaat" which is one of the the types of vernacular poetry, not confiend to a singe rhythm or meter.

Each one of these twenty types of poetry contains a foreword and a conclusion. With this, the author comes to the end of types of vernacualr poetry as known to him in his research. Except for the Hussaini poetry, however, it is rather difficult to compose by some of these types.

find search Lexicon of Hussaini composers of vernacular poetry

»Worked in six volumes bearing serial numbers: 470-475

This section is the counterpart of the previous lexicon of Hussaini poets, however it is on poets of vernacular verses, whereas those were of standard-Arabic poetry. About three hundreds of these poets came to the knowledge of the author who composed in the vernacular on Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH), his blest uprisings, venerable family and noble partisans.

The author dealt with the poets here by the same method as with their counterparts of standard-Arabic poetry, and material gathered on them in six volumes. As usual this lexicon consists of a foreword and a conclusion.

find search Prelude to the Hussaini Persian poetry

»Worked in one volume bearing the serial number: 476

The author dealt here with the following topics:

1. Persian language and stages of its development.

2. History of poetry with the Persians.

3. Which one is earlier - the two hemistisch poetry, or the free verse?

4. Eminent poets and their roles.

5. Free poetry and its advantages.

6. Hussaini poetry with the Persians.

7. Rhymes of Persian poetry.

8. Types of Persian poetry.

9. Purposes of Persian poetry.

10. This diwan.

find search Diwan of Persian poetry

»Worked in fifty-three volumes bearing serial numbers: 477-529

This diwan consists of Persian verses composed on the grandson of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), his blest uprising, reverend family members and noble partisans - as from early centuries up to our this day.

Since the rhymed Persian poetry appeared in the third century Hijri, then presumably Hussaini poetry could not have been of an earlier date. This poetry has been catagorized according to types of Persian own tradition as follows:

1. Section of two-hemistich poems of different lengths, edited in several volumes.

The first parts:

Poetry of early centuries. It is in fact of poetry composed on Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) prior to fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Hussaini poetry has indeed started at the Safawid era of 908-1149 Hijri, however that does not imply that such poetry never existed prior to that date, but it was not so abundant then.

Volumes 17 - 46 contain all Hussaini poetry of the fifteenth century.

Poetry in these 46 voluems are arranged according to their rhymes.

2. Then come volumes forty-seven and forty-eight which contain the 'rubaiyaat (four-hemistich verses).

Then comes the forty-nineth volume which contains the duplex poetry.

The fiftieth volume contains "takhmees" (quintuplet) verses.

The fifty-first volume contains sextette poetry.

The fifty-second volume contains a number of types of poetry: like the "dubayti" (double-verse), "qut'ah" (sort of stanza) and free verse. It was supposed that the "dubayti" and "qut'ah" be combined with "rubaiyaat" (four-verse) for the similarity between them, however the abundance of the former type of verse made it not practicable.

The fifty-third volume presents a general estimation of this diwan.

It is needless to say that all these diwans, especially diwans of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries are open to increase. The author had arranged them in that manner with regard to the so far availability of their materials to him.

find search Lexicon of Hussaini Persian poets

»Worked in two volumes bearing serial numbers: 530-531

The author wrote in this book the biographies of Persian-speaking poets who composed verses on Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH), his blest uprising, his reverend family and partisans. Biographies of some one hundred of such poets are already available with him who expecting this section will top some ten voluems or more.

The author dealt with this lexicon in the same way as with the rest of lexicons. For each poet he allotted ten pages, and worked a foreword for this section. In the end he looked into some studies about Persian poetry.

find search Prelude to Urdu poetry

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial number : 532

In this book the author wrote of Urdu poetry in the following chapters

1. Urdu language.

2. The birth of Urdu language.

3. The structure of Urdu language.

4. Urdu literature.

5. Purposes of poetry.

6. Eminent mens-of-letters in Urdu literature and its eras.

7. Characteristics of Urdu language in conjunction with its literature.

8. Hussaini Urdu literature.

9. Rythms of Urdu poetry.

10. Reading in some Urdu texts.

11. Methodology of work.

find search Diwan of Urdu poetry

»Worked in eleven volumes bearing serial numbers: 533-543

The author arranged this diwan in view of the special purposes and rhythms traditionally known in the Urdu-speaking tradition. He was able to collect and edit some material, the rest however is still in the form of drafts with indicated sources. Work is constant. Materials so far available are listed under the headings of these volumes:

1. Poetry of peace - put in two volumes.

2. Poetry of elegy - in two volumes.

3. Poetry of lamentation - in two volumes.

4. Poetry of sextette poetry - in two volumes.

5. Poetry of quadruple poetry - in two volumes.

6. Poetry of "dubayt" (two-verse) poetry - in one volume.

7. Variety of poetry - in one volume. This book contains varied purposes like poetry of "gazal" (flirtation), of eulogy, "qut'ah" (stanza) and epics. The last type is rarely applied on the subject of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH), and so it does not make up a complete volume.

The author made a point of the last volume to make a study in it of the Hussaini poetry in this language, whereby he reviewed the gifted depiction and features employed in this langauge. He wrote of these aspects on his way to explore the depth of this section. This volume is the seal of this section. The author dealt with Urdu poetry in the same manner as with standard-Arabic poetry, with the difference of adding more translation of this Urdu poetry into Arabic in the margin, like the rest of verse composed in other than Arabic.

This section is open to increase which the author expects to top some sixty volumes.

find search Lexicon of Hussaini Urdu poets

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial number : 544

This section is similar to the previous lexicons of Hussaini poets (of standard-Arabic, vernacular Arabic and Persian), and it is a complement to them.

It is obvious that the author has planned to put the great multitude of Hussaini literature each ethnic kind in its own language perspective so as to keep the special flavour of each apart, and also to make it easy for researchers to do their future work, inter alie perhaps also in comparative studies of poetries of different tongues as composed in the vast field of the Hussaini cause.

This section has not yet come to an end. The author is still on the look-out for more substance which he can foresee to take up several more volumes.

find search Diwan of Turkish poetry

»Worked in one volume bearing a serial number : 545

The author can anticipate this to expand. However so far he could not get hold of material for more than one volume. As usual, he wrote in the foreword about the history of the Turkish verse, its features and rhythms and related matters. Then he set down the poetry. He worked a conclusion for it in the same manner as for other diwans. This diwan is open to increase.

find search Diwan of Gujrati poetry

»Worked in one volume bearing serial number: 546

This one also still stands without distinct features. But work on it is constant, and is expected to cover more than one volume. So far the author gets hold of its draft material and looks forward to the opportunity of making it ready. It is open to increase.

find search Diwan of English poetry

»Worked in three volumes bearing serial numbers : 547-549

The author so far gets hold of material for three volumes in this language. Like other diwans he set a foreword for it. It is open to increase.

find search Diwan of Albanian poetry

»Worked in two volumea bearing serial numbers: 550-551

Draft materials held in this language filled up two volumes. Research is kept on for more. Material at the author's hand still needs a lot of work. A foreword is also needed to deal with the features of this language, its history, literature and elements, and how Hussaini verse reached and developed in it. This diwan is open to increase.

find search Lexicon of oriential and occidental Hussaini poets

»Worked in one volume bearing serial numbers : 552

This diwan actually represents a transitional stage, because its material will eventually be set up according to the languages of the poets while the author progresses in collecting their biographies. This diwan will thus form a separate section and is expected to exceed in volume that of the standard-Arabic poets.

In the end, it is to be metioned here that there is a number of poems available with the author in different languages, e.g. in French, Italian, Kurdish and others. These the author has not yet studied thoroughly which indeed would be ample to take up volumes of their own.

In fact there are still other aspects relating to the Hussaini cause which could fill volumes and yet require more time and effort to perform. We pray to the Al-Mighty to extend His assistance to the author to deliver more on the way of Al-Hussaini cause.

find search The end

» Worked in four volumes bearing serial numbers : 553-556

In the foreword the author wished to mention that every beginning has to come to and end. This is true but of Allah the One, the Eternal, the Ever-There, Exalted be His Name.

What matters, however, is a good end for a good beginning. The author desires only for a happy end and a righteous fate in the sight of Allah. Only a benign end can deliver satisfaction and pleasant impressions.

This section, just like others, has a foreword and a conclusion, and in-between lines the book being set in the following parts:

The first: It contains various reviews and comments reaching the author on the Hussaini Encyclopedia.

The second: Articles written on the Encyclopedia.

The third: Introductions issued in foreign languages on the voluems of the Encyclopedia.

The fourth: Different matters like letters and lectures made in high valuation of the Encyclopedia.

The fifth: Deductions acquired by the author out of his work in the Encyclopedia. They are many and quite interesting.

The sixth: The critique. The author left the door open to criticism for the public to show their opinions, as this is of course a way for improvement.

The seventh: Biography of the author's family tree worked by himself.

The first and second parts form one volume so far. The third, fourth and fifth form another volume. The sixth forms a third volume. Biography of the family tree forms one volume.

In the conclusion he wrote the farewell statement supported by some relevent counsels.

This section is indeed open to increase. Foreign-language introductions when the work - God willing - is finished would take two volumes which would certainly be also translated into Arabic.

As to the reaction of the media, this should be left to its own occasions, also the part pertaining to critique.